Virtual Visual Art provides multiple benefits during home learning Virtual Visual Art provides multiple benefits during home learning
Despite being considered a practical subject, St Rita’s College Visual Art students have found they are reaping the benefits of studying art at home.
Visual Art Teacher Mrs Bronwyn Cottrell has taken advantage of the Learning at Home period as an opportunity for students to hone their technical skills, while also taking a break from screen time.
Mrs Cottrell stays connected with students and their artworks through video platform Zoom and the ‘Social Stream’ function of the College’s online learning platform, MySRC.
“We have maintained their regular curriculum focus but I have used many of the lessons for drawing and providing individualised feedback for set tasks,” she said.
“This has multiple benefits; it allows students to improve skills of observation and to practice drawing techniques which will continue to be most useful in their progress through visual art subjects.
“It is also a wellbeing activity that calms and gives them an opportunity to work away from screens.”
The combination of digital connection and traditional art activities is a hit with students, with many reporting this is an aspect they enjoy.
Year 12 student Ella said she didn’t find studying art at home much different.
“While I really do miss the classroom and in search of a positive note, I have found that a change in space has had an interesting impact on my creativity; art is everywhere and you can find inspiration in just about anything,” she said.

A Year 7 student’s Matisse interpretation.
While Year 7 students have been preparing to paint and developing their drawing accuracy, Year 8 students have been busy studying the works of Friedensreich Hundertwasser as inspiration, creating colourful inspired pieces based on their own suburbs while at home.

Year 8 student Claudia’s Hundertwasser-inspired interpretation of her suburb
Year 9 are combining family time with the study of portraits, perfecting proportions and shading while drawing family members.

A portrait sketch by Year 10 student, Katie
Perspective has been the focus for Year 10, who have been drawing open windows and doors to create an inside/outside feel in preparation for an etching.

Grace (Year 10) practiced creating perspective from inside their homes.
Year 12 students have commenced exam preparation for External Assessment at the end of the year, but still reap the benefits of creating artworks from home.
“Visual art gives me an escape from the build-up of stress from schoolwork, friendships or home life,” Year 12 student Georgia said.
“I think it is crucial that every student has a creative outlet, and I think the study of art is beautiful and one that should not be taken for granted or misjudged.”

Georgia's most recent artwork, 'Sonder'.