Verbis - Term 2, Edition 2 2024 Verbis - Term 2, Edition 2 2024

9 May 2024

Year of Courage - Leading with Courage

From our College Leadership Team
Principal - Mrs Maree Trims
Deputy Principal - Studies, Mrs Lara Morgan
Acting Assistant Principal - Mission, Mrs Lorraine Specogna

Principal - Mrs Maree Trims

Respectful Relationships

This week during my assembly address, I focused on the treatment of some members of our school community by certain students. It's important to note that this behaviour involves only a small number of students across all year levels, but its impact on those affected is significant, leading to distress and exclusion. Recent examples include a student preventing another from using a desk in class, someone being excluded via text message from a peer group, a student boasting about intimidating a teacher, name-calling and teasing younger students, deliberate exclusion from group activities, and sending hurtful messages to a former student who left because she felt unwelcome.

Learning about these incidents, caused by only a few individuals deeply upsets me as it affects many students. This conduct will not be tolerated. Through our Wellbeing program, we aim to foster an ethos of inclusivity and welcome. I encouraged students, especially those in our Year of Courage, not to stand by as bystanders, but to support each other with strength of character. If they witness unkind behaviour, I urge them to speak out and offer support to the affected student. Regrettably, some who did stand up have subsequently become targets themselves and are now hesitant to intervene. As one parent rightly pointed out, "It's a sad reflection on society that kindness needs to be a cautious choice."

Our Student Wellbeing team is well-equipped to handle conflicts among students. Should you have concerns, please contact your daughter’s Head of House. It's normal for students to experience friendship conflicts, and we must equip them with strategies to navigate these challenges. Avoiding difficult conversations does not prevent such behaviour; instead, we must confront and address it.

In pursuit of a school-wide approach, I've enlisted the expertise of external professionals to support our College community. Please mark your diaries and register for the below sessions.

Online Seminar: Resilience - Developing strength, calm, and kindness in our kids - Dr Justin Coulson - Tuesday 14 May, 7.00pm (Zoom)

Thank you to all parents and guardians who expressed interest in the upcoming online seminar: Resilience - Developing strength, calm, and kindness in our kids, presented by Dr Justin Coulson. In this online session, parents will learn the psychological secrets that build their child’s sense of identity, strengths, and growth mindset in order to perform better, be happier, and build resilience.

As a College, we consider these to be important skills to develop in all our students and strive to teach Social and Emotional Learning strategies that encourage: self awareness, self management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making through our Pastoral programs.

We are excited to offer this online resource to all members of our community, free of charge, and encourage all parents and staff to register for this online session presented by Dr Justin Coulson, one of Australia’s most trusted parenting experts. Click here to register and receive the viewing link for this presentation (all interested parents, even those who completed the initial expression of interest must register via this link).

Online Workshop: Rebecca Sparrow - Tuesday 13 August, 7.00pm (Zoom)

Rebecca Sparrow is a Brisbane-based journalist specialising in teenage issues, to engage with our Year 9 and 10 students and parents in August. Please mark your calendars for the parent session on Tuesday 13 August at 7.00 pm via Zoom. Rebecca advises parents to monitor how their daughters speak about others with friends - are they kind, respectful, and inclusive? If not, it's crucial to remind them of the importance of respectful behaviour. Rebecca often says, "Dial down the drama; conflict is normal, but drama is a choice." I urge you to discuss respectful relationships with your daughter and participate in the upcoming parenting workshops. Rebecca's website offers valuable resources, and you can subscribe to receive regular advice. Further details will be distributed closer to the event.


Congratulations to Rose A on her selection in the Australian U18 team to compete in the Oceania Athletics Championships in Suva, racing in the 400m and 800m. Best of luck Rose for the competition in June.

Following on from the recent QLD Water Polo State Titles during the Easter holidays we have 19 St Rita’s athletes selected in QLD squads. Congratulations to the following students and alumnae selected in these squads:

  • U13: Audrey H, Sophie M
  • U14: Alexis F, Lily B, Tess O
  • U15: Abbey C, Bella B, Lillian H, Scarlett W, Tara W, Tashie W
  • U16/U17 Development: Arabella T, Caitlin E, Prue D, Zara G
  • U17: Amelia C, Emma W, Isabelle L, Isabelle O

In the senior Australian squad, graduates Matilda M and Tilly H were selected to represent Australia both in Europe and New Zealand in the coming months.

Congratulations to Isabelle O who has also been selected in the U16 Australian World Championship team, that is competing in Turkey in the upcoming holidays.

Chookas to our Cinderella cast and crew

Opening night is finally here and our students are ready to shine in the cast and crew of Cinderella! Following two successful Preview Performances earlier this week it is now time for their four main performances this Thursday, Friday and Saturday. The cast, crew, and production team have been working extremely hard to bring this College production to life and share their talents with our community. We are incredibly proud of all their efforts and grateful for the guidance and support shown by our College staff. Audiences are in for a treat!

Mrs Maree Trims

Deputy Principal - Studies, Mrs Lara Morgan

Save the Date - Year 9 and 10 Students, Parents and Guardians

The Year 11 2025 (current Year 10) Initial Subject Selection evening will be held on Monday 3 June at 6.00pm via Zoom (Week 8 of Term 2). This is a compulsory evening to be attended by all Year 10 students and at least one parent/carer. 

This important presentation will cover:

  • Expectations of Senior School
  • What is the difference between an ATAR and the QCE
  • How to be ATAR eligible and maximise your ATAR
  • How does scaling work and impact my ATAR
  • The value of VET
  • The College Tertiary Vocational Pathway
  • University Requirements
  • Subject Entry Requirements

Parents and students currently in Year 9 are also invited to this event as students in Year 10 in 2025 will have the ability to start some Senior subjects early and commence Year 11 subjects during Year 10. This will occur for students interested in studying Physical Education and the Diploma of Business. Any student interested in studying these subjects, or any student interested in information about maximising their Senior results should attend this very informative evening.

Following this initial information session and to commence our two Year 10 Careers Days, the Subject Selection evening for current Year 10 students will be held on Wednesday 12 June at 6.00pm via Zoom (Week 9 of Term 2). This is a compulsory evening to be attended by all Year 10 students and at least one parent/guardian. Families will have the opportunity to hear and engage with Heads of Faculty from all the subjects on offer.

I look forward to meeting parents online at both Subject Selection Evening events.

Acting Assistant Principal - Mission, Mrs Lorraine Specogna

We know that Nano Nagle spent long hours each day in prayer and practices of penance. We know from several references in her letters that Nano had a devotion to Mary, the Mother of God. In her schools, she promoted devotion to Mary. Every Saturday they all say the beads, the grown girls every evening. (Letter to Miss Fitzsimmons, 17 July 1769) In her letter to Miss Mulally in 1780, Nano Nagle describes her move from her cabin to the new convent in the midst of political disturbances in the city. She organised the move before three in the morning to avoid detection but also so that “we were there on the Festival of our Blessed Lady, under whose protection we are. I hope she will preserve us from our visible and invisible enemies and make this house prosper and others of the same Charitable Institution in time.” In the beginning of 1783, in a letter to Teresa Mulally, Nano describes how they received a novice on the Feast of the Presentation of our Blessed Lady. We can assume that this feast was special to Nano when we read in the Annals that the new title for the congregation of ‘Sisters of the Presentation of Our Lady’ was so happily adopted by the early Presentation community. Later the formal name was Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

In prayer, Nano reflected on the important truth about Mary: From the beginning of Mary’s life, she was dedicated to God. She herself became the instrument of God’s saving work. Like Mary, Nano addressed the exploitation, and abuse of the children of Cork with patience and endurance. This mission continues at St Rita’s, “If I could be of service in saving could in any part of the globe, I would gladly do all in my power” (Nano Nagle).

Presentation People’s power does not just lie in action but also in devotional prayer. May is traditionally dedicated in a special way to honouring and seeking the intercession of Mary as Mother of God and Mother of the Church. The Rosary is the devotional prayer to Mary in May. It is a spiritual banquet of roses. “The repeated prayers help us get more in touch with the deepest desires in our souls for God” (Pope John Paul II).

The Rosary can be a mantra with devotional prayer for fifteen to twenty minutes, It can also be reflective and included in daily routines over the day. Each decade can focus on the needs of the moment, society and the world. Other times it can be a tenderly pulse of connection with Jesus. The prayer can slow us down, calm our hearts, and enable us to rest in God’s presence. A decade while travelling to school or work, a decade while making a coffee or waiting in queues. A decade while doing the chores. The essence of the Rosary of one Our Father, ten Hail Marys and one Gloria does not need the Rosary Beads but rather your hands. Your hands that heal, your hands that comfort. The Rosary is always accessible. As Pope John Paul II (RVM, 27) explained, “The loving repetition embodies the desire for Christ to become the breath, soul and all of one’s life”.

How to pray the rosary.


Primary Years News
Head of Primary - Ms Georgina Howard
Primary Mother and Daughter Evening
Year 5 Excursion
Primary Awards
Year 5 Library News

Head of Primary - Ms Georgina Howard

In the Primary Years, our House Representatives lead our Primary House Assemblies with activities that encourage connection and bring our community together. Recently, they were inspired to create mini murals that depicted their Primary House Communities and showcased the handiwork of both Year 5 and Year 6 students.

The murals are proudly on display in our Primary space and are a colourful, visual reminder of how each member of our community comes together to make the whole.

Primary Mother and Daughter Evening

Our recent Mother Daughter evening was a wonderful event celebrating the special role of mothers and mother-figures in our St Rita's Primary Community! Our courageous Primary presenters did a wonderful job addressing the crowd as they reflected on the special bond they share with their mums and mother-figures, acknowledging the big and little things they do each and every day to support their children, and our College.

Thank you to the P&F Events committee, led by Year 12 mother Mrs Anna Martini, for facilitating this event, as well as all mothers, caregivers, mother figures, and daughters who attended.

Congratulations to our lucky raffle winners who walked away with an assortment of goodies including family activities and tasty treats. Thank you to our Raffle Sponsors and Donors for their support.

  • Verve Photography
  • Tassis Group - Massimo Restaurant & Bar
  • Get Real Finance
  • Caruso’s Coffee
  • Urban X-Treme

Year 5 Excursion

Recently, our Year 5 students enjoyed an immersive learning experience and journeyed back in time to the Gold Rush Era! Students were able to put their recent learning in HaSS to use in a real-world experience.

Students were very excited for the hands-on learning experience that saw them pan for gold, make delicious damper, test their map reading and puzzle solving skills, and learn to barter for goods at the General Store.

Throughout the experience, students were encouraged to be independent and resilient in their learning. They worked brilliantly in teams and were supportive of one another throughout the day as they journeyed through the different aspects of the Eureka experience.

A special thank you to Mrs Hukins, Miss Fardoulys, Mrs Apps, Miss Downs, Mrs Flynn and our parent helpers for making the day so memorable for our Year 5 girls.

Primary Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have recently received Primary Awards:

Eona W, Gabriella D, Alexis F, Ava A, Evelyn F, Samantha M, Emilia H, Patrice S, Chloe S, Chinmayi B, Ciara T, Bora C, Hayley H, Luca V, Mary L, Liliana N, Claudia S, Hannah B, Alessandra V, Amira T, Summer J, Matilda P, Isla P, Willow F, Isabelle C, Mila V, Isabel P, Indiana W, Chelsea F, Zara D, Sofia A, Chloe C, Mokoia Q, Piper W, Georgia C, Chloe H, Eve M, Lexi J, Isabella K 

Year 5 Library News

Courageous Characters: Adventure Reading

This term, Year 5 students are participating in a Literature Circles project as part of their weekly library sessions. A Literature Circle is a reciprocal reading strategy, similar to a book club. While this project is not part of their assessment, it is an opportunity for students to work with others, read something they might not usually pick, and develop their comprehension skills and group work skills.

The theme for this term’s project is Adventure Fiction. These stories allow young readers to connect with characters who face their fears and overcome challenges. However great or small their obstacles, the protagonists of Adventure Fiction demonstrate important traits including courage, loyalty, and growth.

Students will meet with their group over four weeks during their library lessons. For each of these meetings, students complete a different role, which encourages them to develop deeper connections with the text and to build their reading comprehension skills.

The four roles are:

  • Discussion Director: lead the discussion by creating two open-ended questions, and summarise the groups’ insights.
  • Super Summariser: summarise the most significant parts of the story.
  • Critical Connector: make one type of connection to the text; either text-to-text (does the story connect to another?), text-to-self (does the story or theme or person connect to the students’ own life?), or text-to-world (does the story connect to current events?).
  • Word Wizard: define one interesting or new word from the story and select one literary device or interesting sentence and explain the effect it had on the story.

It is important the students complete their assigned chapters and roles (using the worksheet in their orange Literature Circles journal) before meeting with their group to ensure active and worthwhile discussion. Students are encouraged to read for 20 minutes each night and their Literature Circles book provides the perfect opportunity for this.

This week, Year 5 students will be completing their second meeting with their Literature Circles group. So far, the students will have been introduced to the main characters and the main challenge or obstacle has been uncovered. There has been a lively discussion about the books and lots of predictions made! In Weeks 8 and 9, during their final library session for the term, the students will create a 2-minute Book Review with their group and will have the opportunity to share that with the rest of their class. This is a fun activity to share their thoughts with a wider audience.

We know many families are reading along with their children and are on the journey as well. Literature Circles is always a highlight of our year with Primary and we are thrilled to share this experience with the Year 5 cohort.

We thank you for your support of your child’s reading adventure.

Noni Harrison
Head of Library

Music News - Mr Craig Kennedy, Head of Cocurricular Music
Rita's Longest Lunch - Parent Volunteers Required

Rita's Longest Lunch - Parent Volunteers Required

If you have been looking for a way to be involved at St Rita's, but weren't sure how, we think we might have a great option for you!

The Rita's Longest Lunch (RLL) has gone from strength to strength in the last few years, which is great, but means we need to expand our team of volunteers. We are looking for volunteers for our 2024 event with the hope that you will have such a great time you will be back again in 2025 and beyond, especially as some of our current organisers will be retiring in the coming years as their daughters graduate. The three main roles which we are looking for helpers are;

Job Role


Time Commitment

Set Up Coordinator / Team

Directing the volunteers to set out the tables and chairs, umbrellas, and then the dressing of the tables. We always have lots of muscle on hand for this, so it is mostly about making sure everything ends up in the right place.

30 minute check in with the RLL Coordinator prior

8.30am to 12.30pm on the day

Bar Coordinator / Team

Overseeing the hired bar staff and some volunteers across 3 bars. Helping serve in peak times, overseeing stock levels and the handout of pre-sold champagne.

12.00pm – 5.00pm on the event day

Raffle Coordinator / Team

While we busily seek out donations for our fantastic raffle, we need someone working to collate these and group them into prizes. On the day of the RLL, we also wrap these up and number for quick distribution after the prizes are drawn.

2 hours prior to Thursday 23 May for admin and organising prizes.

2 hours to meet and set the Raffletix listing live.

2 hours on the morning of the event to wrap and tag prizes.

We would love to have you on board. All of these jobs could be done with a group of a few friends if preferred.

Please contact the Music department ( or phone 3860 7183) if you can help with this.

Sport News - Mr Joshua White, Director of Sport
Cross Country
Track and Field
Touch Football
Water Polo
CaSSSA Term 3 Sport Registrations & Trials Info

Cross Country

Countdown to CaSSSA

Just over two weeks to go. A reminder that we have our lead up meet on Friday 10 May at UQ – Click here to sign up. 

Training is every week on Monday, Wednesday & Friday, no sign ups are required for this. Students are required to meet on the Flats at 6.30am.

Cross Country Training Squad Opportunity 

Are you looking for more in your training and want to train with a group of like-minded athletes? For details about a squad coached by Mike Hillardt and Rajeev Balakrishnan focused on middle-distance training, click here.

Track and Field

Talent ID Sessions – Thursday 9 May & Saturday 11 May at Nudgee College.

If you are new to Track & Field and would like to try out or a returning athlete wanting to try a new event, please sign up, to come along to these sessions. Click here to sign up. Further details can be found here and on MySRC.  

Training also starts on Thursday & Saturday. Please sign up if you are attending training. Click here for further details. 

The YEET games - Lunchtime on Tuesday 14 May & Tuesday 21 May. 

An opportunity to come and throw. No sign-up is required. Further details can be found here.


We want to hear from all students who play football outside of school. Please complete our survey.


Congratulations to our Junior team who attended the QSSTT Tennis comp last week. The Team finished in 2nd place. Our competitive program is training twice a week this term and our development program is once a week. It is great to see the College courts filled with tennis each morning.

With the College Championships on Sunday 18 August, why not join the program and get yourself ready to take on your friends? The College Championships also serve as a selection event for the Knowles Cup Tennis Tournament in Term 4.


Club Netball is travelling well this season, with three weeks under our belts the wins are coming thick and fast and all teams are having so much fun, regardless of the final scores each week. Our student umpires are doing an amazing job and learning the ropes quickly, well done to all of you.

CaSSSA Netball is well underway and all teams are playing hard and playing well, keep up the good work!

QC Cup for our Primary school and Secondary school VW teams will be held this month the teams are training well and we are looking forward to watching some great netball over the two days.

  • QC Cup primary - Monday 20 May at DPNA
  • QC Cup Secondary –-Tuesday 21 May at DPNA

Vicki Wilson preliminary round for our Secondary school VW teams will also be held this month and we are hoping to continue our domination on the day.

  • VW Prelim round – Tuesday 28 May at PRNA

Our Primary Students will attend a CaSSSA Netball Gala Day on Monday afternoon 27 May at Stuartholme against three other CaSSSA schools, a great introduction to the CaSSSA competition.

Touch Football

Season 2 Club Touch Football - Information and Forms

We are pleased to advise that nominations for Season 2 Touch Football have been advertised. Please read the attached documents carefully, as it details in depth processes for upcoming Season 2 Touch Football. Summarised attached is all information, to hand, leading up to the 2024 Season 2 St Rita’s College Club Touch Brisbane Metro Touch Association (BMTA) and competitions (if applicable to your team). For further information, please head to MySRC or the App for the Information Pack (Broken down to each Division) and Terms and Conditions. The link to register can be found here!

  • BMTA Trial #1 - Friday 31 May (3.30pm - 5.30pm) at Gibson Park, Stafford
  • BMTA Trial #2 - Friday 7 June (3.30pm - 5.30pm) at Gibson Park, Stafford

(If you are unable to attend, please indicate this in the form and email


A reminder to all swimmers that you must sign in when attending swimming. This is important for our coaches to have accurate rolls for attendance and billing.

Water Polo

Program of the Year at the 2024 Water Polo Australia Awards!

Water Polo Development Officer, Ms Madi Wall and Director of Business and Finance, Mr Ed Gleeson proudly accepted the honour on behalf of our dedicated Water Polo community of coaches, cocurricular support staff, parents and our 230 strong student Water Polo squad.

At SRC we pride ourselves on providing opportunities for our students to participate, develop their skills, and compete in competitive Water Polo competitions, while also providing pathways to continue playing, and coaching long after they finish school. This starts with participation in additional development games while at school, continues into U18 and Premier League competitions and extends into alumnae coaching opportunities.

We are fortunate to partner with Polo Bears to provide these opportunities to our students and alumnae. Congratulations SRC Water Polo and thank you to all coaches, staff, alumnae, and students who have contributed to the establishment and growth of Water Polo at the College and to all those who continue to drive our thriving program!

Water Polo QLD Squad Announcements

Congratulations to the following St Rita's College athletes that have been named in the WP QLD Squads. This is a huge achievement and has come from the recent QLD State Titles. 

Australian Water Polo Teams

Congratulations to 2023 Graduates Tilly H and Matilda M who have been selected to represent Australia at the U18 Water Polo World Aquatic Championships (Tilly) and New Zealand Tour (Matilda). An amazing achievement.

A huge congratulations to Isabelle Owho was selected to represent Australia at the U16 Water Polo World Aquatic Championships!

Met North

Congratulations to SRC Students Arabella T, Isabelle L, Isabelle O and Lucy A who competed over the weekend representing Met North. A great achievement! 

CaSSSA Term 3 Sport Registrations & Trials Info

A reminder for students interested in playing Term 3 CaSSSA Sport - the trial registration form is now open online.

The available CaSSSA Sports in Term 3 are as follows

  • Basketball: Junior (Years 7 - 8) & Senior (Years 11 - 12)
  • Football: Junior (Years 7-8) & Senior (Years 11-12)
  • Touch Football: Inters (Years 9-10) & Senior (Years 11 - 12)
  • Calling for all our club and representative players in Years 7 - 12 interested in playing in our Open Football & Basketball teams.

To register for trials please do so online here.

College Notices
Call out for Pantry Volunteers
MySRC Update - Parent Directory
Student Drivers
Safety Message for students who walk to school

Call out for Pantry Volunteers

We are on the lookout for Pantry volunteers.

If you are able to offer your support for a few hours during the week, the Pantry team would love to hear from you!

Volunteers are required from (ideally) 8.30am to 2.00pm each day, however, if you needed to 'drop off' other children and start later this can be accommodated. No catering or Pantry experience is necessary and full training is provided. Additionally, lunch and Barista coffee is provided. 

If you can assist, please email the Pantry and advise of your weekday availability, name and telephone number.

Please consider giving your time to assist our service to your daughters. All support to fill our Term 2  and Term 3 Pantry volunteer roster is greatly appreciated.

MySRC Update - Parent Directory

Parents and guardians of St Rita’s College are invited to share their contact details on the Parent Directory, accessible via MySRC. Sharing your information to the Parent Directory is voluntary and requires you to opt in. By sharing your contact details, you are enabling parents and guardians of children in your child’s peer year group to view your chosen information.

Details within the Parent Directory are shared to support connection and engagement of members within our College community. This information is not to be used for direct or third party marketing, nor for the inappropriate soliciting of donations or prizes. Action will be taken for any inappropriate use of the information. View the MySRC Parent User Guide for full details on how to share your information with other parents in your child’s peer year groups.

Parent User Guide

As platform enhancements continue to be rolled out, parents and guardians are encouraged to view our MySRC Parent User Guide accessible via MySRC Parent Hub > Parent Instructions to assist you in navigating these new features.

The Parent User Guide contains information on:

  • Navigating the Parent Dashboard and News Feature
  • Navigating the Parent Hub
  • Navigating the Primary Years Hub
  • Receiving the daily MySRC News Summary Email
  • Sharing your details in the Parent Directory

Student Drivers

All parents and guardians are asked to remind their student drivers of the following expectations for their safety and the safety of our community.

  • Please do not park across the driveways of our neighbours or on yellow lines. Please note when it is bin day and refrain from parking in front of bins on the foot path.
  • Remember the streets surrounding the College are high traffic areas for cars and pedestrians. Please drive at 40km/hr or less. Young children are unpredictable.
  • You are highly visible as a Year 11/12 student at our College and are identifiable by your number plate. Therefore, please ensure your interactions with fellow drivers, pedestrians and neighbours are always respectful and display patience.
  • Student drivers are not to be transporting other students unless they have emailed the College at to give permission to drive with another student.

Parents and guardians are also asked to exercise caution and adhere to all traffic rules when travelling around the College.

Safety Message for students who walk to school

Ensuring the safety of students while walking home from school is paramount. Students are reminded to follow a safe walking route, such as the footpath, and use pedestrian crossings and traffic lights at all times. It is best if students are not using their mobile phones whilst walking and not having earphones in their ears. This allows students to be fully aware of their surroundings, can listen to traffic and see other pedestrians.

Parents & Friends' Association
P&F Major Fundraiser - Win a Mazda2 and other great prizes
From the P&F President: P&F Meeting - Tuesday 21 May at 6.00pm

P&F Major Fundraiser - Win a Mazda2 and other great prizes

Support the St Rita's College P&F Association major fundraiser for 2024 for your chance to win!!

With only 2,500 tickets up for grabs get in quick to be in with a chance to win one of three great prizes, including a Mazda2 6Auto Hatch!

  • First Prize: MAZDA2 S 6Auto Hatch G15 Pure (valued at $25,800.00)
  • Second Prize: Apple Products Pack (valued at $2,598.00)
  • Third Prize: Treetops Montville Experience (valued at $1,360.00)

Your support will help the St Rita's College Parents & Friends' Association improve facilities and fund projects for the benefit of current and future students of the College. All funds raised from the 2024 raffle will support the Nano Nagle Library refurbishment project.

Click here for full details of the $29,758 prize pool and to purchase your tickets today

Tickets: 1 Ticket for $50.00 or 3 Tickets for $100
Prize Drawn: Wednesday 28 August 2024

Get your ticket now!

From the P&F President: P&F Meeting - Tuesday 21 May at 6.00pm

The next P&F meeting will be held on Tuesday 21 May at 6.00pm and all parents/guardians are welcome. The meeting will be held in the Stanley Hall Staffroom, enter via the door opposite the Pantry.

We will be commencing discussions on events for 2025 so if you would like to contribute to the discussion we encourage you to attend.

Please click here to propose any agenda items you would like raised at the next meeting or future meetings. This agenda item form is also available on the P&F page of MySRC, alternatively please submit contact the P&F Committee via email

For a full list of P&F meeting dates and events please visit the Parents & Friends page of MySRC, accessible via the Parent Hub.

Mrs Pattie Pozzebon
P&F President

Boutique News
Uniform Policy
Term Time Opening Hours
Online Orders
St Rita’s Buy, Sell, Swap, Giveaway Facebook Group

Uniform Policy

The updated 2024 College Uniform Policy can be found here.

Term Time Opening Hours

  • Monday - CLOSED
  • Tuesday to Friday – 7.30am to 9.00am & 11.00am - 3.30pm (closed between 9.00am and 11.00am). 

 The Boutique is closed during school holidays throughout the year.

Online Orders

Online Orders can be made any time via the Qkr! App and collected during Boutique opening hours.

Orders received before 9.00am Tuesday-Friday will be available to collect from the Boutique from 11.00am the same day. Orders received after 9.00am will be available for collection the following business day after 11.00am.

The Boutique is staffed by Ms Laurinda Plant who can be contacted on 3860 7119 or via email at

St Rita’s Buy, Sell, Swap, Giveaway Facebook Group

Parents wishing to seek out second hand uniform and school items are encouraged to try the St Rita's Buy, Sell, Swap, Giveaway Facebook Group. 

The site is parent administered and new items are being added regularly by families.

The College Boutique does not trade in second hand items.

Upcoming Events and Activities
Upcoming Dates to Note
Community Mass, Cascian and Rosa House - Tuesday 14 May
Online Parent Seminar: Resilience - Developing strength, calm and kindness in our kids - Tuesday 14 May
Year 7-12 Mother and Daughter Dinner - Final days to get your tickets!
P&F Meeting - Tuesday 21 May
Bands Concert - Tuesday 21 May
Memorial Mass - Saturday 25 May - Final week to register
College Walkout - Sunday 26 May - Parent Volunteers Required
Strings Concert - Tuesday 28 May

Upcoming Dates to Note

  • Thursday 9-Saturday 11 May: College Musical
  • Tuesday 14 May: Cascian & Rosa Community Mass
  • Tuesday 14 May: Year 10 Immunisation
  • Tuesday 14 May: Online Parent Seminar - Dr Justin Coulson - register today
  • Wednesday 15 May: Year 9 Altitude Day
  • Saturday 18 May: Mother and Daughter Dinner - Registrations close Friday 14 May
  • Monday 20 May: SRC/Nudgee Year 8 Social Evening
  • Tuesday 21 May: P&F Meeting. Agenda item form
  • Tuesday 21 May: Bands Concert
  • Thursday 23 May: CaSSSA Cross Country
  • Friday 24 May: St Rita's Day & House Heroics
  • Saturday 25 May: Memorial Mass - Register today 
  • Sunday 26 May: College Walkout
  • Tuesday 28 May: Strings Concert
  • Monday 3 June: Initial Year 10 Subject Selection Evening
  • Monday 3 June-Saturday 8 June: Year 6 Canberra Trip
  • Tuesday 4 June: Kildare Rocky Road Fundraiser
  • Wednesday 5 June: Nagle Colour Day - World Environment Day
  • Thursday 6 June: Cascian Country Day
  • Saturday 9 June: Rita's Longest Lunch

Community Mass, Cascian and Rosa House - Tuesday 14 May

Parents and Guardians are invited to join us for our Cascian and Rosa House Community Mass on Tuesday 14 May at 8.00am. The mass will be held in the College Chapel.

Online Parent Seminar: Resilience - Developing strength, calm and kindness in our kids - Tuesday 14 May

“How can I help my child be more resilient?” is a question Dr Justin Coulson often hears from worried mums and dads.

In this online session, parents will learn the psychological secrets that build their child’s sense of identity, strengths, and growth mindset in order to perform better, be happier, and build resilience.

Based on Dr Justin Coulson’s best-selling book 9 Ways to a Resilient Child, this session shows parents how to help their children cope powerfully and positively with the challenges that life throws at them. This presentation is one of Justin’s most popular ones with powerful stories and illustrations that every parent can relate to. He explains the factors that help and hinder resilience, why common advice such as "toughen up Princess" just doesn't work, and how competition and praise may undermine resilience.

Online Event Details
Parent Seminar: Resilience - Developing strength, calm and kindness in our kids
Presented by Dr Justin Coulson
Tuesday 14 May
7.00pm AEST (approx. 45mins + question time)
Free resource provided by the College

Click here to register and receive the viewing link for this presentation (all interested parents, even those who completed the initial expression of interest must register via this link)

Year 7-12 Mother and Daughter Dinner - Final days to get your tickets!

Final days to get your tickets for our annual Mother and Daughter Dinner! A fabulous evening of dinner and dancing awaits our Years 7-12 students and their Mums. 

Final day to order tickets - Friday 10 May! Click here to get your tickets today!

P&F Meeting - Tuesday 21 May

The next P&F meeting will be held on Tuesday 21 May at 6.00pm and all parents/guardians are welcome. The meeting will be held in the Stanley Hall Staffroom, enter via the door opposite the Pantry.

We will be commencing discussions on events for 2025 so if you would like to contribute to the discussion we encourage you to attend.

Please click here to propose any agenda items you would like raised at the next meeting or future meetings. This agenda item form is also available on the P&F page of MySRC, alternatively please submit contact the P&F Committee via email

For a full list of P&F meeting dates and events please visit the Parents & Friends page of MySRC, accessible via the Parent Hub.

Mrs Pattie Pozzebon
P&F President

Bands Concert - Tuesday 21 May

Join us for an unforgettable evening at our Bands Concert on Tuesday 21 May. Experience the incredible talents of our Big Band, Jazz Ensemble, Concert Band, Wind Ensemble, and Prelude Winds. Don't miss out on this spectacular showcase of musical excellence

Memorial Mass - Saturday 25 May - Final week to register

Mrs Maree Trims, Principal and the SRC Alumnae Committee invite all members of our College community to our 2024 Memorial Mass.

Memorial Mass and Morning Tea
Saturday 25 May 2024, 10.00am
St Rita's College Chapel

Our Memorial Mass honours the lives of students, alumnae, staff and Presentation Sisters who have passed away and it is an opportunity to gather, remember, and celebrate those we have lost in our community over the past year.

This year, we will light candles in our hearts for Past Students of the anniversary years of 1934, 1944, 1954, 1964, 1974, 1984, 1994, 2004 and 2014, and invite their classmates to commemorate with us.

Click here to register your attendance by Wednesday 15 May 2024.

Even if you are unable to attend, please record details of a beloved member of the St Rita's College community to be remembered on our Remembrance List.

College Walkout - Sunday 26 May - Parent Volunteers Required

WalkOut is a compulsory Mission and Community event for all Years 5-12 students of the College. See poster for details.

Parent Volunteers Required

An event of this magnitude is not possible without the support of a large team of volunteers who assist with roles including: set up, registration, supervision of students through checkpoints throughout the course, return to school registration and pack down logistics.

Please consider volunteering your time to this event.

Strings Concert - Tuesday 28 May

Join us for our Strings Concert featuring our Symphony Orchestra, String Ensemble, Prelude Strings, String Sinfonia, and Guitar Ensemble. Prepare to be swept away by the enchanting melodies and harmonious rhythms.

Community Notices
Bulimba Community Centre-Young Entrepreneurs Bootcamp
TDCC Get into Cricket

Bulimba Community Centre-Young Entrepreneurs Bootcamp

Bulimba Community Centre is a not-for-profit community organisation that provides programs for all sectors of the community.

In conjunction with ThinkPlace, they are excited to launch this great initiative, Young Entrepreneurs Bootcamp (YEB).

Broadly the program is designed for students to get a glimpse into the world of entrepreneurship, design and innovation while allowing them to showcase their business idea to a panel of industry experts. Click here for further details. 

TDCC Get into Cricket

Get into Cricket!

Three weeks of fun with new friends and a program aimed at all those aspiring young cricketers. Toombul District Club are committed to providing women and girls the opportunity to play cricket within a supportive environment.

Please click here for further details.