Verbis - Term 2, Edition 3 2024 Verbis - Term 2, Edition 3 2024

23 May 2024

Year of Courage - Leading with Courage

From our College Leadership Team
Principal - Mrs Maree Trims
Deputy Principal - Studies, Mrs Lara Morgan
Acting Deputy Principal - Students, Mrs Erica Qureshi
Acting Assistant Principal - Mission, Mrs Lorraine Specogna

Principal - Mrs Maree Trims

May is the month of Mary, a time when the Catholic Church celebrates the significance of Mary, mother of Jesus. Mary was a courageous woman, accepting that she was to bear a child who was the Son of God. As a mother, she was gentle and wise, understanding the great purpose of her son. From Mary, we learn the importance of her steadfast love for God, so evident at the crucifixion of Jesus. We see the same qualities that Mary displayed in our Nano. Although Nano was not a mother, she was a woman with a welcoming heart, showing care and compassion to all she met. We are challenged to seek ways to embody these qualities in our own lives.

On Sunday, Christian Churches celebrated Pentecost, the end of the Easter season and a time when we are each encouraged to breathe the breath of life into our Church and seek ways to enhance the Holy Spirit in our lives. This Church celebration prompted me to reflect on the many ways our St Rita’s community brings life to the Spirit for both ourselves and each other. I am often overwhelmed by how our thriving, Catholic community gives of itself, some of which I have outlined below:

  • Our staff, both teaching and support, work collaboratively with students and parents to ensure the academic, wellbeing, and spiritual needs of our students are prioritised and nurtured.
  • Parents involved with the Parents and Friends, Music and Sports sub-committees, coaching sports teams, volunteering to cook BBQs, organising Mother-Daughter events, and assisting with Pantry.
  • Students and staff who generously give their time and energies for Rosies, Big Brekky, Smith Family Student to Student Reading Program, Homework Help, Rita’s Rights, Hopeful Hearts, and Mini Vinnies.
  • Our volunteers who contribute to our College Board, Finance, and Governance committees.

Some of the wonderful events that have taken place in the past fortnight include:

  • College Musical Cinderella – Thank you to Mr Craig Kennedy and Mrs Lou Wall and the Music staff and College volunteers for their dedication to bring this production to life.
  • Mother Daughter Dinner – Thank you to Anna Martini for coordinating this huge event for the past five years.
  • QLD Catholic Netball carnivals for Primary and Secondary – Open (Vicki Wilson cup team) Premiers for three years in a row; Shield Team – 6th, Shield Development – 8th; Year 6 – 6th, Year 5 – 3rd
  • AFL Senior School Cup Gala Day - Congratulations to the team winning the Gala Day and progressing to the next round. Congratulations to Niamh M for winning Best on Ground as voted by the AFLQ officials.
  • Da Vinci Decathlon academic event for Year 5-11, Year 7: 2nd Mathematics, 3rd Ideation; Year 8: 2nd Engineering, 2nd Art & Poetry
  • Student participation in Ecumenical Coffee Brigade, Rosies, Hopeful Hearts, Big Brekky, and Homework Help
  • Year 9 Altitude Day
  • Cascian and Rosa Community Mass
  • SRC and Nudgee Year 8 Social Evening
  • Japanese lunch and dinner
  • CaSSSA Cross Country - Congratulations to our Cross Country Team for securing 3rd place in the Aggregate Cup and 2nd place in the Percentage Cup. Well done to all staff and students involved.  
  • Lots of practice for House Heroics, Hoots & Hiccups, which has brought much joy and activity during lunch breaks.

Servant leadership, sharing your talents, and participating in activities are fundamental to a Catholic school community and embody the very message of Pentecost – to give of yourself, meet people where they are, and be the face of God for all we encounter. Nano Nagle also gives us a sense of this as she travelled through the alleyways of Ireland, tirelessly serving her community both day and night. I am very proud of our achievements and the life of our Catholic community in these past two weeks.

National Sorry Day

This Sunday 26 May, is National Sorry Day, an event held annually in Australia commemorating the Stolen Generations. It is part of the ongoing efforts towards reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians. As a College Community, we will commemorate this day on Monday 27 May, by tying red, black, and yellow ribbons to our cross. Monday also marks the start of Reconciliation Week, a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. As a College, we have a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) to enable our community to take meaningful action to advance reconciliation.

Mrs Maree Trims

Deputy Principal - Studies, Mrs Lara Morgan

Year 10 Subject Selection

Students have been exploring a variety of careers and completing their job chart in preparation for Subject Selection. As part of this, they have been introduced to the Year 10 QTAC Guide outlining the prerequisites for university and other tertiary courses. Please engage in intentional conversations with your daughter about her strengths, her hopes for her future and career pathway, and the necessary entry requirements for university and tertiary courses. This is vital as we move into Subject Selection for 2025. There are exciting changes to subject offerings and pathways for our Year 11 2025 students.

Please note the important Subject Selection evenings that we hold online in the last two weeks of this term. This is a compulsory evening to be attended by all Year 10 students and at least one parent/guardian.

Monday 3 June at 6.00pm – 7.00pm via Zoom (Week 8 of term).

Wednesday 12 June at 6.00pm – 8.00pm via Zoom (Week 9 of term).

Year 9 Early Start Subjects

Students in Year 9 who are interested in studying the Diploma of Business and Physical Education in Year 10 2025 must attend the above parent evening so that they understand the process of Subject Selection and the implications of Senior study. These subjects will commence in Year 10 but are part of their Senior results and outcomes. Students who choose these subjects will be required to attend a Senior Education and Training Plan Meeting (SET Plan) – further information will be emailed to parents and students once subject selection has been finalised. 

Year 10 Careers Day

Year 10 Careers Day is fast approaching, and the students have now selected their Guest Speaker Sessions and Workshops for the day. Some workshops will be occurring offsite and further details will be provided to parents via Operoo. We are looking forward to welcoming back many alumnae who will share their career journeys and stories with our students. #youcantbewhatyoucantsee

Acting Deputy Principal - Students, Mrs Erica Qureshi

The number of lost items handed into Student Services is currently untenable. We have listened to Student Voices, parent concerns and staff workload and have come up with the following amendment to our current processes.

Lunchboxes and drink bottles handed to Student Services will be placed in the hallway alcoves – whether they are named or unnamed. Students will not receive an infringement for lost property. They will also not receive personal emails advising that an item has been handed into Student Services. As per our Code of Behaviour Policy, students are to “be responsible for (their) own belongings” – this means looking through Lost Property as soon as an item has been lost. Items collected between Monday - Thursday will be disposed of the following Friday – whether they are named or not. Items handed in on Friday will be carried over to the following week.

Items of uniforms will also be placed in the Student Services hallway for the owner to collect.

Similarly, all other items handed into Student Services will be placed in the Lost Property hallway for the owner to look through and collect of their own volition. At the end of each term, these items will be donated to charity.

As of Term 2, Infringements will not be issued for lost property, but the responsibility is very much on the owner to go to Lost Property to look through items for their possession. Mrs Timcke will no longer send emails advising students that an item has been handed in. If you lose something, you must go to Lost Property to check if it has been handed in.

All Lost Property currently in Student Services will be disposed of at the end of each term.

Acting Assistant Principal - Mission, Mrs Lorraine Specogna

What unites us as a community? What is the foundation of our unity? While communities may have differences in opinion, choices, or roles, at their core, all members agree on and defend the ideals, beliefs, and morals that bind them together. This past weekend was the Solemnity of Pentecost, marking the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples and the beginning of the global church. “There are many different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit” (1 Cor 12:4). Saint Paul tells us that in our diversity, the Spirit unites and draws us together. The Solemnity of Pentecost reminds us that as a community united with Christ, the Spirit comes to us amidst our differences and difficulties, helping us see the world through God’s eyes. “A worldly gaze sees structures to be made more efficient; a spiritual gaze sees brothers and sisters pleading for mercy” (Pope Francis, 2020). Like the gifts of the Spirit descending on the disciples, we too are filled with the Spirit’s creative power to inspire change for peace and harmony, to promote reconciliation, and to build community in harmony with others.

Spirit of Christ, stir me;
Spirit of Christ, move me;
Spirit of Christ, fill me;
Spirit of Christ, seal me.
Create in me a fountain of virtues
To be a light for all to see.
(St Charles Borromeo Catholic Church, 2014)

What unites us as a community is also exemplified by the feast of St Rita of Cascia, when we gather for Mass and then the House Heroics, Hoots, and Hiccups celebrations. 98 years ago, the Presentation Sisters established a school in Brisbane and chose St Rita to watch over this new community. Their struggle to raise funds to buy Stanley Hall was momentous. They prayed to St Rita, the patron saint of impossible, difficult, and hopeless causes, for her intercession in times of desperation. Their success led to the growth of a strong and vibrant community. The Mass this Friday recognises that God is amongst us, calling us to be living witnesses to the Gospel. Like St Rita, a woman of faith, we are called to live authentically through our actions, loving others in the face of diversity.

On May 17 1874, St Stephen’s Cathedral was solemnly blessed and opened. Last Friday 17 May, our College Captains attended the 150th Anniversary Mass, celebrating the generations who have worked to build communities of prayer, service, hospitality, and witness to the Gospel. Amongst representatives from over one hundred primary and secondary schools across the diocese, Amelie Disney carried our College banner in procession to welcome the return of the message stick to the cathedral. In 2023, the message stick was blessed and sent forth, calling people of the Archdiocese to gather on 17 May 2024.

Mary McMurtrie (nee Proberts, Class of 1987) was commissioned to create a response to the Archdiocese’s ongoing commitment to strengthen its path to Reconciliation through action. Mary acknowledges and pays deep respect to Uncle Joe Kirk, who generously shared his cultural knowledge and wisdom to bring this story to life.“My hope is to encourage all those standing before this painting to pause, be still, and quietly reflect upon its meaning of how we together, have walked in days gone by, in the present as well as looking towards our journey ahead, our past, our present, our future” (Murtrie, 2024). 

Primary Years News
Head of Primary - Ms Georgina Howard
Primary Awards
Set For Seven Orientation Program

Head of Primary - Ms Georgina Howard

In her recent College Address, Mrs Trims focused on the unacceptable treatment of some members of our community by certain students. A special assembly was organised last Thursday morning for Year 5 and Year 6 students to hear this directly.

Mrs Trims spoke about the Student Code of Conduct, the expectations of behavioural standards for St Rita's students, the importance of not remaining a bystander in our Year of Courage and, most importantly, the need for kindness throughout our school community.

Primary students were reminded of the College expectations in all areas of College life. Mrs Trims discussed the importance of maintaining uniform expectations, managing positive relationships with peers, being respectful towards all College staff and keeping our environments clean and tidy.

Students who do not maintain College expectations, as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct and College Policies, will receive an infringement. Two infringements will necessitate parents and guardians being notified. A further two infringements following parent notification will result in a Pastoral Reconnect on a Friday afternoon from 3.15-4.00pm.

The only exception to this process is if a student is found to have gum at school. In this instance, students will receive a Pastoral Reconnect.

We are immensely proud of our Primary students and for the way they demonstrate our College Pillars of Compassion, Hope, Simplicity, Justice, Hospitality and Courage each day. We look forward to engaging with the following resources to support our students, as part of the College community, in ensuring our Primary spaces remain a happy, supportive and encouraging place to be.

Rebecca Sparrow Workshop 

We look forward to working with Rebecca Sparrow when she hosts sessions across year levels on Tuesday 13 August, including a session for Years 5 and 6 students. For further valuable resources, please visit Rebecca’s website.

UR Strong: Friendology

Primary students work through the UR Strong: Friendology Program in Years 5 and 6. Students are very familiar with the terminology utilised throughout the program. For further information for families, please visit the UR Strong website for resources and tips.

Primary Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have recently received Primary Awards:

Liliana N, Mia C, Isla P, Bridget M, Violet W, Isabella V, Emma D, Sienna V, Indi P, Ashley M, Charlotte M, Mimi D, Charlotte B, Emma C, Bora C, Sophie D, Michelle S, Lucinda C, Savannah C, Ivy H, Hayley H


WalkOut 2024 will take place this, Sunday 26 May, and all Primary students will join the Senior students in this compulsory Mission and Community event.

Please see below for information regarding Primary participation on the day.
8.30am-8.50am Years 5-6 Drop Off : Kalinga Park, Kalinga Street Clayfield

Primary students are to arrive at Kalinga Park and have their name marked off the roll by a staff member.
Students are to wait with their peers in the designated area until the walk commences

9.00am Year 5-6 WalkOut commences
During the walk: Students will walk a check point course (manned by Parent volunteers) along the Kedron Brook Bikeway and through local streets back to the College. Members of the College Leadership Team will accompany our Primary Years students.

Approx. 10.15am Year 5-6 Pick Up : All students are to be collected from the College following the completion of their walk. We anticipate the Primary students to arrive from approximately 10.15am.

Theme: All-Stars - Primary students are encouraged to dress up for fun!
(Please note that the Showstopper Costume Competition is for Secondary students only.)

What to Bring: Sunscreen, water bottle, hat, gold coin donation, and an awesome all-stars costume!

Walk for a Cause: Project Compassion
This colourfully themed event is a Mission fundraiser for Caritas Project Compassion. Each student is asked to contribute a gold coin donation, collected at the start line. Students and their families are very welcome to give more than a gold coin.

Set For Seven Orientation Program

This week our Year 6 families received information and important dates regarding our Set for Seven Orientation Program. 

To prepare students, and support families, we have developed a tailored program of connection opportunities for students to familiarise themselves with their new classmates and our high school offerings.

Further details will be shared over the coming weeks as our Year 6 students prepare to transition to Year 7 and into high school. 

Faculty News
Head of Science - Ms Isabel Trifaro
Head of The Arts - Ms Bethany Dutton
Head of Social Science - Mr John Mundell

Head of Science - Ms Isabel Trifaro

Term 2 started with many activities in Science. Our Science Ambassadors celebrated David Attenborough’s Birthday with cupcakes and a nature video which was very popular with the school community. Further activities are planned for this term, so stay tuned! Thanks to our Science Ambassador team.

In a moment of celebration, we congratulate students selected for the prestigious 2024 SPARQ-ed Senior Research Immersion Program. This unique opportunity promises to connect students with the world of scientific research, allowing them to interact with like-minded peers and delve deeper into their scientific interests. It's a notable accomplishment, and we extend our sincere congratulations to Isabella B and Isla R for this well-deserved recognition. Equally deserving of recognition are two students who have demonstrated excellent skills in neuroscience by advancing to the state final of the Brain Bee Challenge. These students have excelled in their ability to learn additional challenging concepts outside of the busy school curriculum. Congratulations to Radhika N and Sophia P in Year 10.

In a dynamic session of Year 5 Masterclasses, students were introduced to the exciting world of STEM. They observed experiments including coloured flame tests, burning magnesium, fire in the hand, and the explosive reaction of elephant toothpaste. Following these demonstrations, students enjoyed a fun paper plane competition to see whose creation could fly the farthest. It was an engaging experience that ignited their curiosity and enthusiasm for science and technology.

Head of The Arts - Ms Bethany Dutton

Senior Visual Arts Excursion

Earlier this month, Year 11 and 12 Visual Arts classes ventured into Southbank to explore some of the amazing exhibitions that the Brisbane Arts Community has to offer. Students started at Griffith University Queensland College of Art and Design where they viewed Taring Padi: Tanah Tumpah Darah. Taring Padi is a leading Indonesian art collective with a mission to understand the cultural and social history of Indonesia through a contemporary lens. Based in Yogyakarta, they use art as a tool to explore issues of sovereignty to overcome environmental destruction, violence, food shortages and unemployment. Students explored how they have created their works in a collaborative community setting. Students then went to GOMA and viewed the Creative Generation Excellence Awards 2023 exhibition. Students were inspired to submit their own work in this competition later in the year. Year 11 and 12 Visual Arts students finished the day at the Queensland Art Gallery viewing Judy Watson’s Mudunama Kundana Wandaraba Jarribirri exhibition.

Arts Week 2024

In Week 5 of Term 3, we have an exciting line up of Arts events for the entire St Rita’s community. We encourage you to mark your calendars. The week features a variety of workshops and activities, including screen and media sessions with an award-winning filmmaker, sound editor, and sound teacher; a photography workshop by Canon Australia, a staff vs. students theatre sports competition, a ceramics workshop, and a photography competition. Additionally, there will be a showcase arts event with an impressive industry panel, along with many other fantastic events both after school and during the day for our students. The highlight of the week is our art showcase evening, which is open to the entire St Rita’s community. Be sure to save the date – Thursday 8 August.

Head of Social Science - Mr John Mundell

Year 10 History students embarked on an enlightening journey to the MacArthur Museum and the Queensland Holocaust Museum. This excursion was an integral part of their current unit of study - The Second World War.

The visit provided them with a wealth of knowledge and insights, answering many of their inquisitive questions related to this pivotal period in history. A highlight of the trip was the rare opportunity to hear firsthand from one of Queensland’s few remaining Holocaust survivors.

This excursion proved to be both informative and engaging, leaving an indelible impact on our students and teachers alike.

Music News - Mr Craig Kennedy, Head of Cocurricular Music
College Musical - Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella
Bands Concert

College Musical - Rodgers and Hammerstein's Cinderella

Congratulations to our College Musical cast and crew on four remarkable performances of Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella.

From planning to performance this St Rita’s College Musical was a true display of teamwork requiring all students and staff to draw on skills of collaboration, creativity, resilience, and attention to detail.

Over three days more than 1,600 patrons were enchanted by the talents of our 100 strong cast, orchestra, and crew. The focus and dedication displayed by all involved was second to none, and made for a truly magical experience for those in the audience, on stage, and behind the scenes.

A heartfelt thank you to Mrs Lou Wall (Director), and our team of Music staff and College volunteers, for their tireless dedication to bring this production to life and provide students with a unique and treasured high school memory. We also extend our appreciation to the students of St Joseph's Nudgee College who joined our St Rita’s students on stage to deliver this timeless classic, with a modern twist.

Filled with enchanting music, dazzling costumes, and a timeless message of hope and love, this College production captivated audiences of all ages, reminding us all that even the most unlikely dreams can come true with a little bit of magic and a whole lot of courage.

Bands Concert

It's been a big term for the Music Department and our Bands Concert on Tuesday evening did not disappoint. Congratulations to all students involved for their stunning Ensemble performances. 

Sport News - Mr Joshua White, Director of Sport
Sport Nominations for Term 3 Sports
Cross Country
Track and Field
CaSSSA Term 3 Football and Basketball Sign-ups
Rugby 7s
Touch Football
Water Polo
Term 2 CaSSSA Wednesday Afternoon Report

Sport Nominations for Term 3 Sports

Changes to Cocurricular Sport Payment Process

Over recent months the College has reviewed a number of daily operations and worked to enhance processes to improve experiences for all members of our community.

This focus on review and enhancement continues in our Cocurricular area and includes the optimisation of the Clipboard platform, currently used to manage students, staff, and communications.

Recent enhancements to Clipboard will see the College further utilise this platform for team nominations and to collect sport payments.

This week you and your daughter would have received information about Term 3 sports nominations and you will notice some changes to our Cocurricular sport payments. These changes have been made to reduce the number of late withdrawals from teams causing disruption and disappointment for students due to cancellations.

To assist in addressing this issue:

  • Sports with a term or season cost below $200, require payment at the time of nomination.
  • Sports with a term or season cost above $200, will continue to be applied to your student’s fee account.

The Sports Department will be able to credit or refund sport fees should a student not make a team or withdraw from a team, in line with the terms and conditions of each sport.

We thank you for your cooperation and support as we continue to review our cocurricular requirements.


Well done to our AFL Senior Schools Cup Team who competed at the StreetSmart QSchools Gala Day Competition on Wednesday 22 May. Our students won all 5 games and Niamh M (Year 11) was awarded the 'Best on Ground' for the day. The team will now progress to the elimination round later this term. 

Cross Country

Our Cross Country team had a great day at the Interschool Carnival this afternoon, nabbing 2nd place in the Percentage Cup and 3rd place in the Aggregate Cup. Well done to all students and staff involved in this incredible result, in particular, our Cross Country Captains Izabelle C and Isabella F. Thanks to our wonderful coaches for their continued support and coaching this year. Our results are as follows:

  • Aggregate Cup: 3rd
  • Percentage Cup: 2nd
  • 17 & 16 Years: 1st
  • 15, 14, 13 & 12 Years: 3rd
  • Year 6: 2nd
  • Year 5: 3rd
  • All Age Relay: 2nd

Running is an excellent way to stay fit for all your other sporting endeavours therefore, we will continue with Run Club on Tuesdays for the remainder of Term 2. Term 3 run club day will be confirmed later in term 2. 

Track and Field

Thank you to all the students that took part in our Talent ID sessions, held in Week 4. Training has now begun and will continue on Thursday afternoons and Saturday mornings at Nudgee College. Sign-ups will be managed every week and can be found on MySRC or the college App.

All are welcome to join our Track and Field squad including students that have not done Track and Field before.

Interhouse Athletics will be held on the last day of term, Friday 14 June. Information regarding nominations for events will be out in Week 6.

CaSSSA Term 3 Football and Basketball Sign-ups

CaSSSA sign-ups for erm 3 are now open via MySRC, and trials are being held on Monday 27 May.

Rugby 7s

Come and try will commence Week 8 – Tuesday 4 June & Tuesday 11 June at Brothers Rugby Club. Transport will be provided. Sign-up will be open shortly.


We took 5 teams to the QC Cup tournament over the last two days and three of those teams will compete at the Vicki Wilson Tournament next week. Our Primary students competed for the first time at QC Cup and were outstanding over the day. Our Year 5 team came in 3rd place and our Year 6 team came 6th.

Our Secondary teams also had a successful tournament, our VW Cup Team took out the Premiership for the 3rd year in a row, and our VW Shield Team came 3rd in their pool on points but because of the cross-pool finals came in 6th overall. Our VW Shield Development Team played for the first time at this tournament and came 6th in their pool and 8th overall. Well done to all teams and a big thank you to our coaches, umpires, and parent supporters. 

Good luck to our teams competing at the Vicki Wilson Prelim tournament next week.

Vicki Wilson Prelims – Tuesday 28 May (all-day)

Touch Football

Reminder Season 2 Information

Nominations for Season 2 Touch Football have been advertised. Please head to MySRC or the College App for more information. The Sports Department have summarised all information, to hand, leading up to the 2024 Season 2 St Rita’s College Club Touch Brisbane Metro Touch Association (BMTA) and competitions (if applicable to your team). Link to Register is provided within the documents, which are located on MySRC and College App and here

  • BMTA Trial #1 - Friday 31 May (3.30pm - 5.30pm) at Gibson Park, Stafford
  • BMTA Trial #2 - Friday 7 June (3.30pm - 5.30pm) at Gibson Park, Stafford

BMTA Season 1

Season 1 BMTA is nearing completion with all round games coming to an end. All teams have been playing some expectational Touch Football and it has been exciting to see all our teams grow and develop from Round 1 through to now. We are looking forward to most of our teams competing in the Semi-finals. We wish all our touch teams all the best for the Finals!


Volleyball Intermediate Schools Cup

Our Intermediate Volleyball Schools Cup team have been training hard for the last six weeks. We are looking forward to the team competing in the Queensland Schools Cup competition, which is taking place in the coming weeks. The team will compete over three days on the Gold Coast from Friday 31 May - Sunday 2 June. The Sports Department wishes the team all the very best.

Volleyball Senior Schools Cup

Registrations have opened for Volleyball Senior Schools Cup. Please register your interest for trials using the link located under Co-Curricular Sport.

Nominations Close Monday 03 June 9.00am

Trial: Wednesday 5 June at St Rita's College Eirene: 6.00am - 7.45am

Eligible Year Levels: 7-12

Water Polo

Winter Water Polo for Term 3 is now open for nomination. Get ahead of the game this winter with our Term 3 Water Polo Training Program. Sharpen your skills and be ready to crush the competition when summer rolls around. Sign up today and make a splash!

Open for Years 5-12. Sign up via MySRC, located under Cocurricular Sport.

Term 2 CaSSSA Wednesday Afternoon Report

Time is flying by, and we are heading into our Round 5 Fixture this week with our Volleyball, Touch, and Netball teams. An update on how our teams are tracking.

Our Junior Touch teams are competing well, with our Junior A & B teams playing great touch and sitting up the top half of the ladder. 

Our Volleyball teams are improving every week, and are also showcasing wonderful school spirit each week. 

Similarly, our Netball teams across both Inters and Opens are performing well, and we look forward to the next few rounds leading up to finals on 12 June. 

A reminder that all teams play a final game regardless of their team’s position on the ladder in the final week. 

Good luck to all teams for the remainder of the term and let’s put in a big effort at our remaining training sessions.

College Notices
College Community Code of Conduct
Student Absentee Form Update
Student Drivers
Twilight Open Evening - Friday 26 July
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)

College Community Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct provides guidelines for the effective development of positive relationships within our community and assists in promoting behaviours that are in keeping with our vision and values.

The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to assist in:

  1. creating a climate of care in the College based on Gospel Values;
  2. promoting the development of quality relationships which are based on our six pillars of Compassion, Hospitality, Simplicity, Courage, Justice, and Hope;
  3. developing satisfying, relevant learning experiences that enhance respect, self-discipline, initiative, responsibility, creativity, leadership and a sense of achievement;
  4. establish an effective care network leading to personal growth and support.

The letter from our Principal, Mrs Maree Trims provides further information and can be found here. The College Community Code of Conduct is published on the College website

Student Absentee Form Update

We would like to inform you about a recent update to the Student Absentee Form submission process. To enhance security and ensure that only a parent or guardian can submit an absentee form for their child, we have made a slight change that now requires you to log into MySRC to submit an Absentee Form.

Parents and Guardians can access the Absentee Form from the quick link tile on their MySRC parent dashboard, or via the Parent Hub.

This change will ensure that all submissions are accurately verified and securely handled. 

Parents are also reminded to submit the online absentee form by 8.30am for any student absences. Entries received after this time may not be registered via the College Database with enough time to notify teachers that a student has permission to leave their classroom early, causing confusion and frustration to all.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in helping us maintain a safe and efficient system.

Student Drivers

All parents and guardians are asked to remind their student drivers of the following expectations for their safety and the safety of our community.

  • Please do not park across the driveways of our neighbours or on yellow lines. Please note when it is bin day and refrain from parking in front of bins on the foot path.
  • Remember the streets surrounding the College are high traffic areas for cars and pedestrians. Please drive at 40km/hr or less. Young children are unpredictable.
  • You are highly visible as a Year 11/12 student at our College and are identifiable by your number plate. Therefore, please ensure your interactions with fellow drivers, pedestrians and neighbours are always respectful and display patience.
  • Student drivers are not to be transporting other students unless they have emailed the College at to give permission to drive with another student.

Parents and guardians are also asked to exercise caution and adhere to all traffic rules when travelling around the College.

Twilight Open Evening - Friday 26 July

On Friday 26 July we will open our doors to prospective families at our Twilight Open Evening from 4.00pm - 7.00pm.

This event is more than just a chance for prospective students to tour the campus; it’s an opportunity for prospective families to immerse themselves in our vibrant College community and learn more about the educational offerings, opportunities, and support available at St Rita's College.

By sharing information about our Twilight Open Evening with your family, friends, and colleagues, you are helping us to connect with families seeking an exceptional educational experience for their children.

Please encourage interested parties to register their attendance via our College website.

Many of our current students will be involved in this event and further details will be distributed over the coming weeks.

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)

Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to students with disability. These relate to legislative requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, in line with the NCCD guidelines (2019).

Information provided about students to the Australian Government for the NCCD includes:

  • year of schooling
  • category of disability: physical, cognitive, sensory or social/emotional
  • level of adjustment provided: support provided within quality differentiated teaching practice, supplementary, substantial or extensive.

This information assists schools to:

  • formally recognise the supports and adjustments provided to students with disability in schools
  • consider how they can strengthen the support of students with disability in schools
  • develop shared practices so that they can review their learning programs in order to improve educational outcomes for students with disability.

The NCCD provides state and federal governments with the information they need to plan more broadly for the support of students with disability.

The NCCD will have no direct impact on your child and your child will not be involved in any testing process. The school will provide data to the Australian Government in such a way that no individual student will be able to be identified – the privacy and confidentiality of all students is ensured. All information is protected by privacy laws that regulate the collection, storage and disclosure of personal information. To find out more about these matters, please refer to the Australian Government’s Privacy Policy.

Further information about the NCCD can be found on the NCCD Portal.

If you have any questions about the NCCD, please contact the College.

Parents & Friends' Association
P&F Major Fundraiser - Win a Mazda2 and other great prizes
Annual Mother and Daughter Dinner

P&F Major Fundraiser - Win a Mazda2 and other great prizes

The P&F Association's major fundraiser for 2024 is underway with exciting prizes up for grabs!

With only 2,500 tickets available, don't miss your chance to win one of three fantastic prizes including a Mazda2 6Auto Hatch, an Apple Products Pack, and a Treetops Montville Experience!

All raffle proceeds will support the refurbishment of the Nano Nagle Library and help the P&F Association improve facilities and fund projects for the benefit of current and future students at the College.

Tickets: 1 Ticket for $50.00 or 3 Tickets for $100
Prize Drawn: Wednesday 28 August 2024

Get your ticket now!

Annual Mother and Daughter Dinner

Over the weekend we celebrated the 20th anniversary of our annual Mother Daughter Dinner.

It was a special evening of connection for our students and their special guests, and a night full of beautiful food, dancing, and some amazing raffle prizes. We express our heartfelt thanks to St Rita’s mum, Mrs Anna Martini for her organisation of the event, and to the team of mums who assisted with the raffle.

Our appreciation extends to our generous event supporters and raffle prize sponsors:

  • Clayfield Jewellery
  • Sofitel Noosa
  • Verve Photography
  • F45 Lutwyche
  • Get Real Finance
  • Shorestone Legal
  • Opa Bar + Mezze
  • Media Suite
  • Massimo Restaurant and Bar
  • Westfield Chermside
  • St Rita’s College Families

Thank you to everyone who attended this special event honouring the strength, compassion, and guiding wisdom provided by the mothers, mother figures, and significant role models in our SRC community.

Boutique News
College Scarf
Uniform Policy
Term Time Opening Hours
Online Orders
St Rita’s Buy, Sell, Swap, Giveaway Facebook Group

College Scarf

The Boutique is currently out of stock of the College scarf. Once the scarf is back in stock, an app notice will be sent to parents/guardians and students.

Uniform Policy

The updated 2024 College Uniform Policy can be found here.

Term Time Opening Hours

  • Monday - CLOSED
  • Tuesday to Friday – 7.30am to 9.00am & 11.00am - 3.30pm (closed between 9.00am and 11.00am). 

 The Boutique is closed during school holidays throughout the year.

Online Orders

Online Orders can be made any time via the Qkr! App and collected during Boutique opening hours.

Orders received before 9.00am Tuesday-Friday will be available to collect from the Boutique from 11.00am the same day. Orders received after 9.00am will be available for collection the following business day after 11.00am.

The Boutique is staffed by Ms Laurinda Plant who can be contacted on 3860 7119 or via email at

St Rita’s Buy, Sell, Swap, Giveaway Facebook Group

Parents wishing to seek out second hand uniform and school items are encouraged to try the St Rita's Buy, Sell, Swap, Giveaway Facebook Group. 

The site is parent administered and new items are being added regularly by families.

The College Boutique does not trade in second hand items.

Upcoming Events and Activities
Upcoming Dates to Note
Memorial Mass - Saturday 25 May
College Walkout - Sunday 26 May
Community Mass, Marian and Kildare House - Tuesday 28 May
Strings Concert - Tuesday 28 May

Upcoming Dates to Note

  • Friday 24 May: St Rita's Day Mass and House Heroics, Hoots & Hiccups
  • Saturday 25 May: Memorial Mass
  • Sunday 26 May: College Walkout
  • Monday 27 May: Nagle Chocolate Fundraiser Commences
  • Monday 27 May: Primary Netball Gala Afternoon
  • Tuesday 28 May: Marian & Kildare Community Mass
  • Tuesday 28 May: Strings Concert
  • Friday 31 May: Season 2 Club Touch Football Trials
  • Friday 31 May: Volleyball Intermediate Schools Cup Tournament
  • Friday 31 May: SRC/Nudgee Year 10 After-School Activities
  • Monday 3 June: Initial Year 10 Subject Selection Evening (Zoom)
  • Monday 3 June-Friday 7 June: Year 6 Canberra Trip
  • Tuesday 4 June: Kildare Rocky Road Fundraiser
  • Wednesday 5 June: Nagle Colour Day - World Environment Day
  • Wednesday 5 June: Music Support Group Meeting
  • Thursday 6 June: Cascian Country Day
  • Sunday 9 June: Rita's Longest Lunch
  • Wednesday 12 June: Year 10 Careers Day 
  • Wednesday 12 June: Year 10 Subject Selection (Zoom)
  • Friday 14 June: Interhouse Track and Field Day
  • Friday 14 June: Term 2 Concludes

Memorial Mass - Saturday 25 May

Our Memorial Mass honours the lives of students, alumnae, staff and Presentation Sisters who have passed away and it is an opportunity to gather, remember, and celebrate those we have lost in our community over the past year.

College Walkout - Sunday 26 May

WalkOut is a compulsory Mission and Community event for all Years 5-12 students of the College. 

Years 7-12 Start Line 8.30am: John Wren Oval, Sixth Avenue Kedron (Showstoppers and Best Dressed Registration from 8.15am)
Years 5-6 Start Line 8.30am: Kalinga Park, Kalinga Street Clayfield (Please see Years 5-6 information in the Primary Years section above)

Students in Years 5 - 12 will walk a check point course along the Kedron Brook Bikeway and through local streets back to the College. All students are to be collected from the College following the completion of their walk.

Theme: All-Stars
Prizes awarded for best dressed!

What to Bring: Sunscreen, water bottle, hat, gold coin donation, and an awesome all-stars costume!

Walk for a Cause: Project Compassion
This colourfully themed event is a Mission fundraiser for student nominated charity, Caritas Project Compassion. Each student is asked to contribute a gold coin donation, collected at the start line. Students and their families are very welcome to give more than a gold coin.

Community Mass, Marian and Kildare House - Tuesday 28 May

Parents and Guardians are invited to join us for our Marian and Kildare House Community Mass on Tuesday 28 May at 8.00am. The mass will be held in the College Chapel.

Strings Concert - Tuesday 28 May

Join us for our Strings Concert featuring our Symphony Orchestra, String Ensemble, Prelude Strings, String Sinfonia, and Guitar Ensemble. Prepare to be swept away by the enchanting melodies and harmonious rhythms.

Community Notices
Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Foundation-Scholarship Applications Open

Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Foundation-Scholarship Applications Open

The 2025 Round 16 QATSIF (Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Foundation) Scholarship applications are now open for eligible Year 10 and 11 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. QATSIF will take applications until Monday 19 August.

QATSIF is currently supporting 4290 Year 11 and 12 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students with $500 per semester toward the costs of their senior studies. Across our first 15 years, we have supported over 18,800 students across all of Queensland’s education systems (State, Catholic and Independent).

QATSIF Scholarships are open to students who meet the eligibility criteria and are on track by the end of Year 12 to successfully complete their:

  • QCE (Queensland Certificate of Education) – Each eligible QCE student and their family needs to complete the Student Application form.
  • QCIA (Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement) for students with a disability who are counted in the NCCD - Each eligible QCIA student and their family needs to complete the Student Application form (please provide additional assistance as required). The school also needs to complete the attached QCIA Nomination form for these students.

Contact Mrs Lorraine Specogna (up to 14 June) or Mrs Erica Qureshi (After 14 June) for application forms or for more details. 

Alternatively, you can call the QATSIF office (07 3257 1777) or email with any questions.