Verbis - Term 2, Edition 4 2024 Verbis - Term 2, Edition 4 2024

6 June 2024

Year of Courage - Leading with Courage

From our College Leadership Team
Principal - Mrs Maree Trims
Deputy Principal - Studies, Mrs Lara Morgan
Acting Deputy Principal - Students, Mrs Erica Qureshi
Acting Assistant Principal - Mission, Mrs Lorraine Specogna

Principal - Mrs Maree Trims

St Rita’s Day

On Friday 24 May, our College community celebrated St Rita's Day with a beautiful Mass organised by Mrs Specogna and officiated by Fr Neil Muir. This ceremony allowed us to reflect on St Rita and the challenges she faced throughout her life. It was an opportunity to celebrate the life and legacy of St Rita, which calls each of us to live authentically through our actions by loving others, showing kindness, and being courageous amidst diversity. We were privileged to have seven Presentation Sisters join us for the Mass, along with members of the College Board.

In the afternoon, the festivities continued with House Heroics, Hoots, and Hiccups. Congratulations to Nagle House on their victory and for ringing the HHHH bell in celebration.

Staff Service Awards
As part of our St Rita’s Day Mass, I was very proud to present Service Awards to our staff members who have dedicated 10 or more years of service to St Rita’s College. We sincerely thank them for their dedication and service to our College community and acknowledge their contributions to supporting our students, inspiring our alumnae, and enriching our College community. 

Congratulations to the following staff, and thank you for your unwavering commitment to our College:

✨ Mrs White - 10+✨ Mrs Miller - 10+✨ Mr Kennedy - 10+✨ Mrs Ford - 10+

✨ Mr Beauchamp - 10+✨ Miss Albury - 10+✨ Mr Meiers - 10+ ✨ Mr Lobb - 10+

✨ Mrs Walters - 10+✨ Mrs Nicholas - 10+✨ Mrs McGrath - 10+✨ Ms Austin - 10+

✨ Mrs Schubert - 10+✨ Ms Diamond - 10+✨ Mrs Tuite - 15+ ✨ Ms Trifaro - 15+

✨ Ms Terese Casey - 15+✨ Ms Bundesen - 15+✨ Ms Allen - 15+✨ Mrs Cahill - 15+

✨ Mr Adamson - 15+✨ Mr Mundell - 15+✨ Mrs Snaith - 15+✨ Mrs Susan Miller - 15+

✨ Mr Phil Barry - 15+✨ Ms Brennan - 15+✨ Mr Shaun Barry - 15+✨ Mrs Sax-Wood - 20+

✨ Mrs O'Hare - 20+✨ Ms Walton - 30+ ✨ Sr Sesta - 60 years!

Parent Book Club

I am pleased to announce the launch of a Parent Book Club in Term 3, in conjunction with Book Week celebrations and the involvement of Rebecca Sparrow, who will be working with students, staff, and parents. Rebecca recommended the book "The Popular Girls" by Dr. Mary Kaspar as an excellent resource. Parents are invited to share their thoughts at a Book Club event on Thursday 8 August, at 6.00 pm. More details will be released soon.


Congratulations to the Volleyball Intermediate Schools Cup team on their impressive gold medal victory against Emmanuel College, with a decisive 2-0 win. Emmanuel had not lost a set throughout the entire tournament until the final. Special congratulations to Lucy E for being named the Most Valuable Player of the division.

Recently, the College entered several teams from Years 5 to 11 in the da Vinci Decathlon Academic Competition, hosted over three days by Nudgee College. Forty six Queensland schools participated, with 52 teams competing each day, allowing a total of 1,248 students to experience the Decathlon. We are very proud to announce the following results:

• Year 7: 2nd place in Mathematics and 3rd place in Ideation
• Year 8: 2nd place in Art and Poetry, and 2nd place in Engineering
• Year 9: 3rd place in Engineering, 3rd place in Code Breaking, and 1st place in Cartography

Congratulations to Phoenix and Cassidy V, who will represent Australia at the World Sprint Championships for Outrigging (Va'a) in Hawaii this August. Phoenix will compete in the Under 16 Girls' Elite category in a single craft (V1) and as part of a team in the Under 19 Girls' category. Cassidy will compete in the Under 16 Girls' Club category (Redcliffe Outrigging Canoe Club) as part of a team representing Australia.

Congratulations to Zara A (Year 7) on placing 2nd overall in the Individual competition at the Australian Gymnastics Championships and her team came 1st overall. 

Congratulations to Lola L (Year 8) on placing 3rd in the English Speaking Union competition grand final last night.

Additionally, congratulations to Abbey C (Year 10) for her selection into the Queensland Under 15 AFL team. She will compete at the Nationals in July.

      Red Earth Immersion

      Next Saturday, 27 Year 11 students will travel to the remote Indigenous Homelands of Cape York for nine days where they will connect and learn from the Traditional Owners of Panamuunji and Wurrey homelands, gaining a rich understanding of culture and history. An important part of the Red Earth’s mission is to help create sustainable homelands. St Rita’s students will complete a project begun by a previous group, a shower block at Panamuuji. Concluding the immersion, the students will have an excursion to the Great Barrier Reef. Thank you to Mrs Specogna and Mrs Kirk for accompanying the students.

      Thank you

      Thank you to Erica Qureshi, Acting Deputy Principal, Students and Lorraine Specogna - Acting Assistant Principal, Mission for their leadership contributions during Semester 1. Thank you also to Laura Miller, Acting Head of Cascian House and Camille Birch, Acting Head of Diverse Learning for their acting positions this term. We farewell Janelle Harding and Michelle Siddiqui and thank them for their dedicated service to the College and wish them well in their journey beyond St Rita's.

      Mid-year Break

      I hope our staff, students and families have a restful mid-year break. We look forward to welcoming you back in Term 3. 

      Upcoming Holidays + Student Free Days

      • Saturday 15 June-Sunday 7 July: Term 2 Holidays
      • Term 3 Dates: Monday 8 July-Friday 13 September
      • Monday 15 July (Monday of Week 2, Term 3): Student Free Day

      Mrs Maree Trims

      Deputy Principal - Studies, Mrs Lara Morgan

      Year 12 External Exam Schedule

      Students, parents, and guardians have been emailed a copy of the 2024 External Exam Timetable. This is also accessible on MySRC under the Assessment Tab labelled Year 12 Assessment. Parents/Guardians can access it on the Parent tile under Senior Schooling in the files section.

      If you have any queries about the schedule, please contact the Head of Senior Studies, Ms Liz Casey

      Year 11 2025 Subject Selection (Current Year 10 and 9 families)

      Last Monday, the College hosted the first of two Subject Selection evenings. This has been recorded and is now available on MySRC. It is important that all parents and students have accessed this information prior to Wednesday 12 June, particularly as the College launches the new Tertiary Vocational Pathway (TVP) and three new subjects.

      We look forward to hosting the second and final Subject Selection evening on Wednesday 12 June at 6.00pm via zoom. This evening will allow families to attend four breakout sessions to hear from individual subject teachers regarding elective subjects. Families are invited to ask questions via the chat function during these breakout sessions and interact with the presenter.

      Students have viewed the Subject Selection page in their Careers Class and Mrs Melanie Sax-Wood has explained where the Senior Options Book, introductory videos, subject tiles, and the individual subject zoom links are located. Parents may wish to attend this evening via their daughter’s laptop, or otherwise can access it as per the above.

      If current Year 9 students (Year 10, 2025) are interested in studying the Early Start Diploma of Business and/or Physical Education, they should attend this night and view the content on the Year 11, 2025 Subject Selection page on MySRC.

      Term 3 Parent Teacher Student Interviews

      In early Term 3, parents and guardians will be invited to arrange interviews with their child/ren’s teachers.

      The Parent Teacher Student Interviews will occur at the following days and times:

      • Monday 15 July (1.30pm – 6.30pm). Please note, this is a Student Free Day so that students may attend.
      • Monday 22 July (3.30pm – 8.32pm)

      Parent and Guardians will be able to book the interview at the following times:

      • Online booking system opens Tuesday 2 July at 7.00am
      • Online booking system closes Tuesday 9 July at 11.59pm

      Further communication will be emailed to parents and guardians on Monday 1 July. As this is the holiday period, parents are encouraged to keep an active eye on their email correspondence.

      Acting Deputy Principal - Students, Mrs Erica Qureshi

      School Attendance

      School attendance is often associated with increased academic outcomes, social relationships, and emotional well-being.

      Nonattendance is complex and there are many reasons a student may be absent from school that include a range of individual and environmental factors. When absences are not explained, it is difficult for us to determine the underlying causes of the absence and develop an appropriate plan to support the student in their transition back to school. 

      If your student is absent from school, please ensure you let us know the reason. If this absence extends over three days, please contact your student’s Head of House. 

      Uniform Expectations-Sports Training and Representation

      Students must be wearing full College sports uniforms when training and representing the College in any competition. Eg. College bike pants for cross country/athletics training and correct sports shirts. Students are not permitted to wear Birkenstocks/slides with their College formal or sports uniforms. Students going to training/competitions must wear their sports sneakers/trainers.

      Infringements will be issued for incorrect wearing of the College uniform.

      Acting Assistant Principal - Mission, Mrs Lorraine Specogna

      Last week began with National Sorry Day and continued with National Reconciliation Week. The 2024 theme Now More Than Ever reminds us that we need to commit ourselves to continue to walk together in the struggle for justice and dignity. The arbor between Sacred Heart and Trinity buildings time-lined the historic struggles and students were given the opportunity to symbolically commit by tying a ribbon onto the cross. Each day House Group prayer focused on the importance of prayer for reconciliation and how it plays a vital role in our spiritual journey and fractured relationships. 

      Let us Pray. Creator Spirit, All creation once declared your glory, Your laws were honoured and trusted, Forgive us our neglect as our country approaches the most critical moment in its history. Listen to our prayer as we turn to you, Hear the cry of our land and its people, Just as you heard the cry of Jesus, your Son, on the Cross. Help us to replace our national shame With true national pride by restoring the dignity of our First People whose antiquity is unsurpassed. May our faith and trust in you increase. Only then will our nation grow strong and be a worthy place for all who wish to make their home in our land. Amen. (National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council, 2024)

      Similarly, you are invited to join in saying the Brisbane Archdiocese Diocese prayer: Healing Hearts and Communities: A Prayer for Reconciliation

      College Retreats

      Last weekend, some staff explored the theme of courage through the ministry of Nano Nagle on the Annual Staff Retreat. In Term 1, Year 5 had their Retreat. This term, Years 9 and 11 had their retreat. Next term, Years 6, 7, 8, 10 will have their Retreat. Year 12 will finish their time at St Rita’s with their Retreat. Retreats are an important aspect of our college’s identity and faith life.

      Often, the idea of a retreat has negative connotations. “I’m so busy! It’s not for me!” However, just as exercise helps keep the body healthy, so too, retreats help us work on our mental and spiritual health. It is not called a retreat, but we actually retreat at the end of each day when we take time and reflect on the relationships experienced in the day, resolve matters by considering how other people might have done things in a better way, and make plans for improvement. A formal retreat is similar, only a person guides us through the process, and we are given time for focused reflection and activities. A retreat is a positive experience.

      Jesus encourages us to “Come aside and rest awhile.” (Mk 6:30-34) The retreats staff and students experience are intentionally created spaces where participants feel safe to explore their own stories, to feel that their lives are sacred and their relationships matter. Retreats allow us to be transformed and renewed.

      Retreats give staff and students spiritual skills of being present. “I shall put my spirit in you, and you will live.” (Ezek 37:1-14) “May your hidden self, grow strong” (Eph 3:14-21).

      In this year, reflecting on the pillar of Courage, it can become the time to experience a retreat so “the most courageous thing we will ever do in our lives is become the person God is calling us to be.” (Richard Rohr, 2003).

      2024 Brisbane Ecumenical Youth Gathering

      Year 10 students are invited to self-nominate to represent St Rita's College at the 2024 Brisbane Ecumenical Youth Gathering. 

      On July 23, Year 10 students from across all religious schools and colleges will gather to explore questions they have around mental health and wellbeing, consent and respectful relationships and respectful dialogue. Experts from Catholic, Lutheran, Uniting and Anglican denominations will be guest speakers, lead a range of activities and facilitate conversations.

      The theme this year, Relationships, will explore three key topics: Mental Health and Wellbeing Consent and Respectful Relationships, and Respectful Conversations (online and in real life).

      It is the hope of the Ecumenical Youth team that this is an opportunity for students in schools across Brisbane to build relationships as they explore and discuss issues that matter to them. That this event will foster authentic student agency and voice, empowering our students to engage positively with social justice issues and topics of significance to young people. “Although it is important to provide opportunities for individual development, we may gain many of our best insights when exploring in the company of others.” (Dr Anne Lumb, Religious Education, UK.)

      Who is invited: Year 10 students and their supervising teachers.
      Date: Tuesday 23 July 2024
      Time: 10.00am – 2.00pm
      Venue: St John’s Cathedral, 373 Ann Street Brisbane
      How to register: Complete the form found here
      Due: Monday 10 June

      Students who also applied for the NEAA conference and were not successful are encouraged to self-nominate.

      Primary Years News
      Head of Primary - Ms Georgina Howard
      Assessment Reminders and Tips
      Primary Awards
      Sr Elvera's Special Visit
      House Group Activity
      Mini Vinnies
      Set For Seven - Year 7, 2025 Orientation Program

      Head of Primary - Ms Georgina Howard

      This week our Year 6 students have been exploring our nation’s capital with Mrs Skelton, Ms Toohey, Mr Robinson, Ms Brennan, Mrs Hukins and myself. This much anticipated Year 6 Canberra Trip is aligned with the Australian Curriculum for Year 6 and supports learning curriculum requirements with a jam-packed itinerary covering Civics and Citizenship, History and Heritage, Science, the Environment, Art and Culture.

      Throughout the week students will have visited national attractions such as Parliament House, Government House, Questacon, Museum of Australian Democracy, National Electoral Education Centre, National Museum of Australia, Australian National Botanic Gardens, National Capital Authority, Royal Australian Mint, High Court of Australia, Australian Institute of Sport, National Gallery of Australia and the Australian War Memorial. We even travelled to Thredbo to learn about the Snowy Hydro Scheme and ascended to the summit where show-filled adventures began, including a playful snow fight targeting some unsuspecting teachers.

      This immersive experience provides our students with a unique opportunity to develop personal and social capabilities including independence, resilience, confidence, and problem-solving skills as they travel, live, and learn beyond the classroom. What a fabulous opportunity for our Year 6 students! We can't wait to share their amazing photos and stories from their Canberra Trip on their return, in the meantime Year 6 Parents and Guardians can follow the Year 6 Canberra Blog via MySRC. Click here to read

      Thank you to our Year 5 students and teachers who have kept the Primary Years flag flying back on campus. They have been working diligently on their assessments and have been engaged in their learning. We look forward to sharing our adventures with them on our return!

      Parliament and Civics Education Rebate (PACER)

      The College was fortunate to receive the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate (PACER) Rebate for our Year 6 Canberra Trip, where students are given the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia's history, culture, heritage, and democracy.

      The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding to our school in the amount of $90.00 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the School upon completion of the excursion. 

      Assessment Reminders and Tips

      As we enter the last few weeks of term, our Primary students are working hard and looking forward to well-deserved break after a busy and exciting semester. With some assessment tasks finished and a few still to come, students have been building their study skills as they revise and prepare for end of term tasks. At a recent Primary assembly, our House Representatives shared some important reminders about study spaces, study habits and ensuring your body and mind are rested and fueled for the day ahead. 

      Click here to see the reminders shared with students (navigate down to the Primary Years Information section and select ‘Assessment Tips’).

      Primary Awards

      Congratulations to the following students who have recently received Primary Awards:

      Ciara M, Willow F, Annabel S, Pippa D, Mokoia Q, Ashley M, Iris F, Luciana R, Emily M, Liliana C, Imogen A, Isabelle G, Patrice S, Isabella A, Alba S, Michaylah T, Poppy S, Emma K, Sophia M, Evelyn F, Chloe S, Indiana R, Vivienne M, Chinmayi B, Savannah D, Millicent H, Eva M, Amelia L

      Sr Elvera's Special Visit

      Last week, our Year 5 students were excited to have Sr Elvera as a special visitor in their classrooms. The students have learned about the history and legacy of Nano Nagle and the Presentation Sisters this semester and were delighted to participate in impromptu Q&A conversations with Sister about her life and her profound connection to St Rita’s College. They discussed what life has been like at St Rita’s during Sister’s time as a student and over the 66 years that Sister has worked at the College. 

      Students thoroughly enjoyed hearing stories about how College life has grown and changed over the years. Sister shared that the sense of community, the determination and the persistence of our students has remained unchanged, as has our strong sense of College pride and spirit. 

      We love having Sr Elvera visit our Primary classrooms and are deeply appreciative for the opportunity for our students to build relationships with such a special lady in our College community.

      House Group Activity

      In a recent Primary Assembly, our Year 5 and 6 students worked together to create Affirmation Stations. While fostering a sense of community and support within their Sister Houses, students contributed their own affirmation to share positive messages and encourage one another as we lead into a busy and eventful few weeks. With assessments, Canberra trips and end of term activities fast approaching, the Affirmation Stations were designed by students to strategically place at home as a form of encouragement and positive support on busy days. The comradery and sense of community between the students in each House was beautiful to see!

      Mini Vinnies

      Our Mini Vinnies group have been busy over the past few weeks! Students have enjoyed working with Nikki from the St Vincent de Paul Society in learning about the role and impact their work has on the lives of those less fortunate in our community. This week we have launched our Mini Vinnies Winter Appeal and are asking for Primary students and families to donate items to keep our community warm and fed this winter. Please see the flyer below for a list of items that you can donate. Every donation will help someone in need, so please give generously! We are looking for warm clothing and blankets of any size.

      Thank you in advance for your generosity and support of the Mini Vinnies Winter Appeal.

      Set For Seven - Year 7, 2025 Orientation Program

      Key Dates To Note

      • Student Connect Day - Friday 30 August (Student Free Day) *Compulsory
      • Parent and Student Orientation Session - Thursday 3 October *Compulsory

      Holiday Sports Clinic

      All Year 7, 2025 Students (continuing Year 6 students) are invited to our St Rita's College School Holiday Sports Clinic. Whether you are a seasoned athlete or a budding beginner, our experienced coaches will help you develop your skills and get to know your new and continuing classmates.

      Date: Wednesday 26 June 2024 or Thursday 27 June 2024 (please only register for one clinic)
      8.00am - 1.00pm
      Venue: St Rita’s College
      Cost: $50 per students (Morning tea and lunch will be provided)
      Register: Click here for full details and to register.
      Limited spaces are available, so act fast to secure your spot in this sports clinic. Registrations close Tuesday 18 June 2024.
      Dress: Sportswear and runners

      Faculty News
      Library News
      Head of Languages - Mrs Leigh Andrews
      Head of The Arts - Ms Bethany Dutton
      Head of Social Science - Mr John Mundell

      Library News

      Head of Languages - Mrs Leigh Andrews

      We are excited to offer an incredible opportunity for our school community. At the start of Term 3, we will be hosting 20 students from our sister school, Atomi High School, for a 2-week visit, from Sunday 21 July until Monday 5 August. We are currently seeking interested St Rita's families to be host families during this period.

      During their stay, they will travel to and from school with your daughter, attend her classes and go on excursions with their teachers. For the 15-night homestay, you will receive a payment of $675, to help with providing meals and transport costs for the student. Anyone can apply to be a host family as the Atomi students are here to learn English. Please click here for further information. 

      Interested? If you are interested in being a host family or would like more information, please do not hesitate to email This unique opportunity to connect with students from our sister school and create lasting memories.

      Head of The Arts - Ms Bethany Dutton

      Last week, Year 12 students and teachers attended Queensland Theatre’s performance of Medea by Kate Mulvany and Anne-Louise Sarks. This was an adaption that captivated audiences with a modern take on a timeless Greek classic. Students were able to immerse themselves in the gripping tale of love, betrayal and vengeance, reimagined through the lens of two young brothers. The Year 12’s thoroughly enjoyed the experience and were wowed by the two young actors and the stunning glass-walled set. This production was timed to perfection as the students are currently creating their transformation as part of their IA3 in Year 12 Drama and we look forward to seeing what they come up with as part of our Arts Showcase next term.

      Head of Social Science - Mr John Mundell

      Last week, our Year 7 students embarked on an unforgettable excursion to the Abbey Museum, diving deep into the wonders of Ancient Egypt. This educational adventure provided our students with a hands-on experience that brought their classroom lessons to life.

      Upon arrival, the students were greeted by the museum's knowledgeable guides, who introduced them to the rich history and culture of Ancient Egypt.

      One of the highlights of the excursion was the mummification workshop. Students learned about the ancient Egyptian practices of preserving bodies for the afterlife. They explored the religious beliefs that underpinned these practices and were fascinated by the intricate process of mummification. In a hands-on activity, some students were able to volunteer to assist in demonstrating the steps of mummifying a body using special materials, giving them a unique insight into the complexities of this ancient art.

      Another captivating activity was the archaeological dig simulation. Equipped with tools, the students became archaeologists for the day. They carefully excavated a mock site, uncovering replicas of ancient artifacts. This activity not only taught them about the meticulous work of archaeologists but also emphasised the importance of preserving history and understanding the stories told by these ancient objects.

      Both the Abbey Museum and St Rita’s staff were impressed with our students' enthusiasm and curiosity. Many students asked insightful questions, demonstrating their keen interest in the subject.

      This excursion was more than just a day out of the classroom; it was an enriching experience that brought history to life and allowed students to connect with the past in a meaningful way. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Abbey Museum for providing such an immersive and educational experience.

      A special thank you to the Year 7 teachers and other staff members who helped make these excursions so successful.

      Music News - Mr Craig Kennedy, Head of Cocurricular Music
      Bands Concert and Strings Concert
      Prelude Voices at QYMA
      SHEP South-East Queensland
      Rita's Longest Lunch Raffle - Sunday 9 June

      Bands Concert and Strings Concert

      Our Bands Stream and Strings stream presented two wonderful concerts over the past couple of weeks. These two performances provided an insight into the hard work of our band and string students since the start of the year.

      Bands Concert

      Starting outside in Cove Lane, the audience at the Bands Concert were treated to the Jazz ensembles under the stars before moving into the Trinity Auditorium to get an overview of what our Bands program has to offer. Beginning with our junior band, Prelude Winds made a great ensemble sound and performed with confidence and poise. Wind Ensemble continued with this same confidence and preparedness and produced many very musical moments. Finally, our senior band, concert Band, completed the concert with some dramatic playing that demonstrated their individual and ensemble control over their instruments. This concert was a great display of the strength and depth of our Bands stream which is confidently led by Mr Lal.

      Strings Concert

      The week after was an opportunity for our Strings stream to also show their quality and depth. Our Guitar Ensemble has continued to grow in numbers, quality and confidence and their performance to start the concert set the stage for a very enjoyable evening. The middle part of the concert was then comprised of performances from Prelude Strings, String Ensemble and String Sinfonia. Each of these groups performed with a resonating string sound and showcased a variety of string techniques suitable for their stage of development. It is certainly exciting to see so many promising young string students playing with such conviction. To complete a great concert the audience was then treated to a performance from our most advanced students in Symphony Orchestra. This concert again was a great way to spend an evening and highlighted Miss Hopsick’s able leadership of the Strings stream.

      Thank you to all the parents and supporters who attended these two concerts. We sincerely hope that you enjoyed yourself and went home with a smile. Congratulations to our student performers and ensemble directors who worked so hard to prepare and present these high-quality performances. We look forward to hearing you again soon.

      Prelude Voices at QYMA

      In between the Bands Concert and Strings Concert, our Junior Choir, Prelude Voices, travelled to Somerville House to perform in their section at the Queensland Youth Music Awards. The choir were the first performers in their section and the adjudicator remarked that they had an engaging performance, gently singing tone and energetic singing appropriate to each song. Congratulations to the students of Prelude Voices who received a gold award for their performance. A great achievement!

      SHEP South-East Queensland

      Over the past weekend, 19 of our St Rita’s musicians participated in the South-East Queensland program of the State Honours Ensemble Program at the Queensland Conservatorium of Music. These students were nominated by the College to be involved in this intensive weekend of rehearsals that culminated in a concert in the Conservatorium Theatre. The students were placed into a band, string ensemble, guitar ensemble or choir and prepared a large amount of music in a short space of time under the direction of very experienced conductors. This is a great program and experience for the students involved and we are very proud of their commitment and achievements over the weekend.

      Rita's Longest Lunch Raffle - Sunday 9 June

      Don’t miss your chance to be a winner in the St Rita’s Longest Lunch Raffle! With a prize pool totalling over $5,100, you don’t have to be at the Longest Lunch to win. Prizes include a $1050 photography package, homewares, food and drink packages, beauty, restaurants and more.

      Sport News - Mr Joshua White, Director of Sport
      Touch Football
      CaSSSA Term 2
      Water Polo

      Touch Football

      It has been a big first season of Club Touch in the BMTA competition out at Whites Hill! We thank our coaches, managers, players, parents, and spectators for all their support to this point. We are looking forward to cheering on all our teams during their semi-final games on Thursday 6 June and 13 June. There is a lot of Touch Football happening for some of our Touch players involved in Representative teams currently, so we thank you for your dedication to SRC Touch and wish you all the best for your upcoming carnivals. Please be sure to continue to check your emails and the BMTA website for the most up to date information around scheduling due to many rainouts this season. Fingers crossed for no rain in the coming two weeks! Good luck to all SRC teams and we encourage everyone who can, to come out and cheer our players on a Thursday evening at Whites Hill, Camp Hill!  

      CaSSSA Term 2

      Our last Round of CaSSSA fixtures was held on Wednesday 5 June, with the finals happening on Wednesday 12 June. A reminder that all teams will still play a game next Wednesday regardless of where they end up on the ladder. We look forward to seeing the results after our Round 7 fixtures to see if we have any teams who have made it through to the top of the ladder clash! 

      We thank all our students who have participated this term, and overall, the commitment has been fantastic. We do however need to remind all students, that they are mindful of their behaviour on bus transport. Please ensure you are in keeping with the values and expectations of the school and are being safe - sitting down and putting on your seat belt. 

      Good luck to all SRC teams for a big finish to the season!


      On Tuesday 28 May, two of our three secondary Vicki Wilson Netball Teams competed in the Vicki Wilson Tournament at PRNA to secure a spot in the Finals Series in August at Nissan Arena. Both teams were undefeated all day and made it to the final round where the Cup team placed first and the Shield team placed a close second, both teams will play in the Finals Series, a great day of netball. 

      This is the third year in a row that our Cup team has made it to the Finals series and the first year for our Shield team, we are excited to watch them play in August. Our third team, the Vicki Wilson Shield Development team were undefeated all day and came first overall, a great effort by the whole team. Their division does not play in the finals series, this was a great introduction to the Vicki Wilson Tournament for them and we look forward to seeing them back next year.


      Volleyball Intermediate Schools Cup Competed last weekend, coming away with Gold Medal. The weekend was a great weekend for the girls, kicking off with a tough 3-0 loss against Emmanuel in the opening game on Friday. However, securing impressive wins throughout the rest of the weekend:

      • 2-1 against Bray Park SHS
      • 3-0 against Glennie
      • 3-0 against Caboolture SHS
      • 2-0 against Kedron SHS

      In the finale, the team faced off against Emmanuel once again, this time winning with a 2-0 win. Emmanuel had not lost a set for the entire tournament until the final.

      The standout performance of Lucy Ewings earned her the title of Most Valuable Player of the division.

      The tournament showed the dedication and determination of the entire team, who gave their best effort.

      Once again, Congratulations to the Volleyball Intermediate Schools Cup team on winning Gold (for the second consecutive year) in the Year 10 Div. 2.

      Water Polo

      Winter Water Polo training is in full swing and sign-ups for the Term 3 program is available through the Activity Selection on My SRC. Keep fit and build on the skills we need when summer season comes around. Open for Years 5-12.

      College Notices
      Resourceful Adolescent Program (RAP) - Year 7
      Nagle Education Alliance of Australia-National Competition, Years 5-12
      College Community Code of Conduct
      Twilight Open Evening - Friday 26 July
      Camp Mountain Road Closure
      Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)

      Resourceful Adolescent Program (RAP) - Year 7

      St Rita’s College will be hosting the Resourceful Adolescent Program (RAP) in Term 3. This is an optional program, which we are offering to Year 7 students and their parents/guardians.

      RAP has been developed to promote positive coping strategies amongst adolescents and help parents provide support to their children through the teenage years. More information may be accessed here.

      The students will participate in RAP-Adolescents (RAP-A) while parents and guardians will participate in RAP-Parents (RAP-P). Both programs will be run by Gail Murton who is a highly experienced Guidance Counsellor who worked at St Rita’s for 15 years before semi-retiring a few years ago.

      The proposed program schedule is as follows:

      • RAP-A (5 sessions): Friday 19 July 8.00am-8.55am weekly for five weeks until Friday 16 August.
      • RAP-P (3 sessions): Tuesday 16 July 8.00am-10.00am, Tuesday 23 July 8.00-10.00am, and Tuesday 6 August 8.00-10.00am

      Cost: There is no cost to attend the program. Each parent/guardian participant will require a workbook, which is $20 each. This cost will be added to your College account.

      Numbers are limited and places will be allocated as the registrations are received. Please only register if you and your child can meet the attendance commitment for all sessions.

      If you are interested in attending, please complete the form found here.

      If you have any queries, please email

      Nagle Education Alliance of Australia-National Competition, Years 5-12

      All students from Year 5 to Year 12 are invited to create entries for the annual Nagle Prize. This is a competition across Australia for the NEAA - Presentation schools.

      This year's theme is Hospitality and how St Rita's College displays this value through good works or deeds.

      Entries can be in any medium eg. short story, poem, musical piece, small video, or drama piece. There are many more options such as short stories, poems or drama pieces (script) as a PDF/ musical piece as a score and lyrics/small video as an audio-visual file.

      Entries close on Wednesday 24 July.

      All entries are to be uploaded to MySRC.

      Mrs Qureshi and Mrs Trims will choose one primary entry and one secondary entry to represent St Rita's College.

      Until the holidays, all questions can be answered by Mrs Specogna, after the holidays, Mrs Qureshi.

      College Community Code of Conduct

      The Code of Conduct provides guidelines for the effective development of positive relationships within our community and assists in promoting behaviours that are in keeping with our vision and values.

      The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to assist in:

      1. creating a climate of care in the College based on Gospel Values;
      2. promoting the development of quality relationships which are based on our six pillars of Compassion, Hospitality, Simplicity, Courage, Justice, and Hope;
      3. developing satisfying, relevant learning experiences that enhance respect, self-discipline, initiative, responsibility, creativity, leadership and a sense of achievement;
      4. establish an effective care network leading to personal growth and support.

      The letter from our Principal, Mrs Maree Trims provides further information and can be found here. The College Community Code of Conduct is published on the College website

      Twilight Open Evening - Friday 26 July

      On Friday 26 July we will open our doors to prospective families at our Twilight Open Evening from 4.00pm - 7.00pm.

      This event is more than just a chance for prospective students to tour the campus; it’s an opportunity for prospective families to immerse themselves in our vibrant College community and learn more about the educational offerings, opportunities, and support available at St Rita's College.

      By sharing information about our Twilight Open Evening with your family, friends, and colleagues, you are helping us to connect with families seeking an exceptional educational experience for their children.
      Please encourage interested parties to register their attendance via our College website.

      Many of our current students will be involved in this event and further details will be distributed over the coming weeks.

      Camp Mountain Road Closure

      As per the QLD Transport & Main Roads notice, there is a planned closure of one of the junctions between Samford Road and Camp Mountain Road that is going to have an impact on several of our school bus service routes.

      This closure is planned to commence on Monday 10 June for approximately 3 weeks.

      All registered parents have been advised that there may be additional delays experienced by this closure, across both mornings and afternoons.

      Note that there are NO changes to published times on these services, but we have advised parents to expect some impacts to timings during this road closure.

      These temporary route changes will remain in effect until the closure is complete, at which point the services will revert to the normal route.

      The school bus services which are impacted by this closure are:


      • School Bus 5 (includes the Nudgee College service).
      • School Bus 72
      • School Bus 74


      • School Bus 59
      • School Bus 71
      • School Bus 72

      Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)

      Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to students with disability. These relate to legislative requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, in line with the NCCD guidelines (2019).

      Information provided about students to the Australian Government for the NCCD includes:

      • year of schooling
      • category of disability: physical, cognitive, sensory or social/emotional
      • level of adjustment provided: support provided within quality differentiated teaching practice, supplementary, substantial or extensive.

      This information assists schools to:

      • formally recognise the supports and adjustments provided to students with disability in schools
      • consider how they can strengthen the support of students with disability in schools
      • develop shared practices so that they can review their learning programs in order to improve educational outcomes for students with disability.

      The NCCD provides state and federal governments with the information they need to plan more broadly for the support of students with disability.

      The NCCD will have no direct impact on your child and your child will not be involved in any testing process. The school will provide data to the Australian Government in such a way that no individual student will be able to be identified – the privacy and confidentiality of all students is ensured. All information is protected by privacy laws that regulate the collection, storage and disclosure of personal information. To find out more about these matters, please refer to the Australian Government’s Privacy Policy.

      Further information about the NCCD can be found on the NCCD Portal.

      If you have any questions about the NCCD, please contact the College.

      Parents & Friends' Association
      P&F Major Fundraiser - Win a Mazda2 and other great prizes
      P&F Meeting – Tuesday 16 July

      P&F Major Fundraiser - Win a Mazda2 and other great prizes

      P&F Major Fundraiser – Win a Mazda 2 and other great prizes
      The P&F Association's major fundraiser for 2024 is underway with exciting prizes up for grabs!
      With only 2,500 tickets available, don't miss your chance to win one of three fantastic prizes including a Mazda2 6Auto Hatch, an Apple Products Pack, and a Treetops Montville Experience!
      All raffle proceeds will support the refurbishment of the Nano Nagle Library and help the P&F Association improve facilities and fund projects for the benefit of current and future students at the College.

      Tickets: 1 Ticket for $50.00 or 3 Tickets for $100
      Prize Drawn: Wednesday 28 August 2024

      Get your ticket now!

      P&F Meeting – Tuesday 16 July

      The next P&F meeting will be held on Tuesday 16 July at 6.00pm and all parents/guardians are welcome. The meeting will be held in the College Library, enter via the Main Reception Doors off the Main Driveway.

      Please click here to propose any agenda items you would like raised at the next meeting or future meetings. This agenda item form is also available on the P&F page of MySRC, alternatively please submit contact the P&F Committee via email

      For a full list of P&F meeting dates and events please visit the Parents & Friends page of MySRC, accessible via the Parent Hub.

      Mrs Pattie Pozzebon
      P&F President

      Boutique News
      Uniform Policy
      Term Time Opening Hours
      Online Orders
      St Rita’s Buy, Sell, Swap, Giveaway Facebook Group

      Uniform Policy

      The updated 2024 College Uniform Policy can be found here.

      Term Time Opening Hours

      • Monday - CLOSED
      • Tuesday to Friday – 7.30am to 9.00am & 11.00am - 3.30pm (closed between 9.00am and 11.00am). 

       The Boutique is closed during school holidays throughout the year.

      Online Orders

      Online Orders can be made any time via the Qkr! App and collected during Boutique opening hours.

      Orders received before 9.00am Tuesday-Friday will be available to collect from the Boutique from 11.00am the same day. Orders received after 9.00am will be available for collection the following business day after 11.00am.

      The Boutique is staffed by Ms Laurinda Plant who can be contacted on 3860 7119 or via email at

      St Rita’s Buy, Sell, Swap, Giveaway Facebook Group

      Parents wishing to seek out second hand uniform and school items are encouraged to try the St Rita's Buy, Sell, Swap, Giveaway Facebook Group. 

      The site is parent administered and new items are being added regularly by families.

      The College Boutique does not trade in second hand items.

      Upcoming Events and Activities
      Upcoming Dates to Note
      House Heroics, Hoots and Hiccups
      Memorial Mass and Morning Tea
      College Walkout
      Community Mass, Collins and Nagle House - Tuesday 23 July

      Upcoming Dates to Note

      • Friday 7 June: Season 2 Club Touch Football Trials
      • Sunday 9 June: Rita's Longest Lunch
      • Wednesday 12 June: Year 10 Careers Day 
      • Wednesday 12 June: Year 7 & 8 Readers Cup Competition 
      • Wednesday 12 June: Year 10 Subject Selection (Zoom)
      • Thursday 13 June: Year 11 2025 TAFE @ Schools VETiS Session
      • Friday 14 June: Interhouse Track and Field Day
      • Friday 14 June: Term 2 Concludes
      • Saturday 15 June-Sunday 23 June: Red Earth - Cape York Immersion
      • Wednesday 26 June-Thursday 27 June: Year 7, 2025 Holiday Sports Clinics
      • Tuesday 2 July: Parent Teacher Student Interviews Booking Opens
      • Friday 5 July-Sunday 7 July: Brisbane State Honours Ensemble Program (SHEP)
      • Friday 5 July-Monday 8 July: Track and Field Camp
      • Tuesday 9 July: Parent Teacher Student Interviews Booking Closes
      • Monday 15 July: Parent Teacher Student Interviews
      • Monday 22 July: Parent Teacher Student Interviews

      Upcoming Student Holidays

      • Saturday 15 June-Sunday 7 July: Term 2 Holidays
      • Term 3 Dates: Monday 8 July-Friday 13 September
      • Monday 15 July (Monday of Week 2, Term 3): Student Free Day

      House Heroics, Hoots and Hiccups

      House Heroics, Hoots, and Hiccups is a much loved student event held every year on St Rita’s Day. Following our Morning Mass, the Eirene Centre is filled with colour, cheering, and some very impressive dance moves as students from all eight Houses go head-to-head in a dance-off style competition.

      Congratulations to Nagle House who claimed the winning title for 2024, and to Marian House (second place) and Kildare House (third place).

      Memorial Mass and Morning Tea

      Thank you to the alumnae, special guests, and students who attended our recent Memorial Mass and Morning Tea.

      This event serves as an opportunity to gather, remember, and celebrate those in our community who have passed and acknowledge the memory and shared stories of family, friends, classmates, staff, and Presentation Sisters.

      Many thanks to Fr Michael who helped us celebrate mass and to our St Rita's musicians for sharing their gifts to remember those in our College community.

      College Walkout

      On Sunday 26 May our students stepped out in support of Caritas Project Compassion as they walked alongside their peers and College staff for WalkOut 2024.

      Our sincere thanks are extended to event coordinators Mrs Afra Brown, Mrs Carla Burns and all parent marshals, walkers, check point attendees, set up and pack down crew!

      Thank you to our Heads of House and students, who did not disappoint with their All-Star costumes. Best Dressed Show Stopper Awards were presented to the following students:

      • Junior Individual: Heidi J (Soulja Boy)
      • Junior Group: Piper S and friends (Shrek)
      • Senior Individual: Matilda R (Luigi)
      • Senior Group: Nikki N, Emily C, Charlotte B, Macy B, Savannah M, Kate M, Rebecca H, Amy J, Kate C, Isobelle W and Audrey M-E (The Simpsons)

      Community Mass, Collins and Nagle House - Tuesday 23 July

      Parents and Guardians are invited to join us for our Collins and Nagle House Community Mass on Tuesday 23 July at 8.00am. The mass will be held in the College Chapel.

      Community Notices
      Road Safety Workshop
      Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Foundation-Scholarship Applications Open

      Road Safety Workshop

      Join the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) for a free workshop geared towards supporting supervisors of learner drivers. This workshop aims to:

      • Provide helpful tips and tricks to help foster safer driving habits for new drivers.
      • Boost your confidence in guiding learner drivers effectively.
      • Cover practical advice, insights into key risks facing new drivers, and tips to avoid common mistakes in the practical driving test.

      Road safety experts will also be available to answer all your questions. Click here for further details and to register for the event. 

      Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Foundation-Scholarship Applications Open

      The 2025 Round 16 QATSIF (Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Foundation) Scholarship applications are now open for eligible Year 10 and 11 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. QATSIF will take applications until Monday 19 August.

      QATSIF is currently supporting 4290 Year 11 and 12 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students with $500 per semester toward the costs of their senior studies. Across our first 15 years, we have supported over 18,800 students across all of Queensland’s education systems (State, Catholic and Independent).

      QATSIF Scholarships are open to students who meet the eligibility criteria and are on track by the end of Year 12 to successfully complete their:

      • QCE (Queensland Certificate of Education) – Each eligible QCE student and their family needs to complete the Student Application form.
      • QCIA (Queensland Certificate of Individual Achievement) for students with a disability who are counted in the NCCD - Each eligible QCIA student and their family needs to complete the Student Application form (please provide additional assistance as required). The school also needs to complete the attached QCIA Nomination form for these students.

      Contact Mrs Lorraine Specogna (up to 14 June) or Mrs Erica Qureshi (After 14 June) for application forms or for more details. 

      Alternatively, you can call the QATSIF office (07 3257 1777) or email with any questions.