Verbis - Term 3, Edition 1 2024 Verbis - Term 3, Edition 1 2024

18 July 2024

Year of Courage - Leading with Courage

From our College Leadership Team
Principal - Mrs Maree Trims
Deputy Principal - Studies, Mrs Lara Morgan
Deputy Principal - Students, Ms Catherine Allen

Principal - Mrs Maree Trims

Last week was a pivotal time for our Presentation Sisters. The QLD Presentation Congregation was founded 124 years ago in the town of Longreach. The Presentation Sisters travelled from Wagga Wagga at the request of the Bishop of Rockhampton who had asked for their help in establishing Catholic Schools in the region. After 124 years, the Sisters last week held their final Chapter. Chapters are held every five years to set the ‘Focus for Mission’ for the next five years and to elect a Leadership Team. The team consists of the Leader and three other Sisters. Given the decline in numbers of the sisters and the ageing of its members, it was not possible to elect a viable leadership team. The Congregation has been on a journey to fulfilment or completion for the past four years with Sr Mary Franzmann the last leader of the Presentation Sisters in QLD. The congregation’s final Chapter took place over four days last week, culminating in a Eucharistic Celebration with Archbishop Mark Coleridge as the Presider, attended by myself and Mrs Erica Qureshi.

Congregations have both a Canonical and Civil Entity. Until now, both these Entities were the responsibility of the Leader and Leadership Team. The Congregation can no longer provide Canonical governance, so the Chapter will petition Rome for a Canonical Delegate (from another Congregation) to hold the Canonical space. In order to ensure their Legacy continues, the Sisters have established partnerships with like-minded organisations that align with the Presentation Charism. St Rita’s has a partnership with the sisters, for example. The Civil Entity will be governed by a board of trustees, of which our former Principal, Mrs Dale Morrow, is a board member. This Board will ensure that their spiritual patrimony and financial legacy are secure, enabling future generations to receive the gift entrusted to them through the charism of Nano Nagle. Please keep our Presentation Sisters in your prayers as they navigate this significant change for them all.

Without a doubt, one of the most well-known Presentation sisters at St Rita’s is our beloved Sr Elvera. Last week we farewelled Sr Elvera after 60 years at St Rita’s. Sr Elvera came to St Rita’s as a Year 4 boarding student in 1947 and she has almost never left. During her school years, she was a House sports captain and was awarded Prix d’Honneur and College Dux, the highest awards in our school, in her final year in 1955.

Sister entered the convent of the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 1960 and at the same time began teaching science and mathematics at St Rita’s. She has spent the majority of her adult life teaching here. The Sister Elvera Science Centre is named in her honour. She was appointed College Principal for 20 years between 1989 and 2008, making her the longest serving principal at our school. During her time as Principal, she was instrumental in the building of the Eirene Centre, Presentation Building, Acqua Rosa pool, tennis courts and began the planning stages of the Nagle building. Sister also organised the refurbishment of the Kennedy and Sacred Heart Buildings. 

Perhaps one of the most loved projects was the setting up and installation of Panayia's Pantry. Panayia is the Greek word for Mary, Mother of God, and Sr Elvera thought she must have done a fair bit of cooking in her day, so she thought she would look after it in a special way. Our Pantry is still special to this day and I am grateful to all our parent helpers each day. We thank Sr Elvera for her hard work and vision in building these facilities, which staff and students all enjoy many years later. However, I’m sure all students will agree that one of the more significant legacies Sister leaves is their favourite day of school: House Heroics, Hoots and Hiccups. It remains a wonderful celebration on St Rita’s Day, and we will still share it with Sister for many years to come. 

After a short time away from teaching, after Sister stood down as Principal, she returned to the classroom in 2010 as a religion teacher until 2018, and in recent years Sister has been working on the College archives, digitising many photos.

In 2017 Sr Elvera was awarded the prestigious Medal of the Order of Australia for her service to education for over 50 years. Sr Elvera will remain as Patron of our Alumnae, and I invite any Alumnae who are interested in joining our Alumnae Committee to attend a meeting on Tuesday 30 July from 6.00pm in the Orana Room. We will gather socially first before commencing our meeting. With our Centenary fast approaching in 2026, it is my goal to have a thriving Alumnae to be involved in planning Centenary events, but to also build networks and connections between our current students and Alumnae.

On St Rita’s Day this year we recognised the significant contribution staff had made to our College. Ms Catherine Allen was on Long Service Leave during that time, but at Assembly last week I was able to thank Ms Allen for her 15 years’ service to St Rita’s College.

There are many events on this term, where I hope to be able to spend time with our thriving community.

Kind regards

Maree Trims

Deputy Principal - Studies, Mrs Lara Morgan

Subject Selection Web Preferences Due Dates

The community is reminded of the following important dates for students to submit their preferences for 2025 Subject Selection. If required, there is a PowerPoint located on the appropriate MySRC/Subject Selection webpage with instructions on how to do so. Students will access a link to the Subject Selection Portal called Web Preferences and can follow the instructions there in.

It is important to note, that a student’s selection is not officially logged until the parent has signed off on the selection. Parents will receive an email to confirm their daughter’s selection – please see the instructions in the PowerPoint located on MySRC if required.

Year 11 2025 (current Year 10 students)

Students will receive an email from Web Preferences on Saturday 20 July. Students may receive the email prior, but the link will not work until 7.00am.

The online selection is due by 3.00pm on Monday 29 July.

Year 10 2025 and Year 9 2025 (current Year 8 and 9 students)

Students will receive an email from Web Preferences on Saturday 27 July. Students may receive the email prior, but the link will not work until 7.00am.

The online selection is due by 3.00pm on Friday 2 August.

Parents and students are encouraged to be aware of the above due dates. 

Parent Teacher Interviews

Staff and Parents/Guardians were given the opportunity to meet to discuss student progress last week on Monday. We look forward to our final meetings that will be conducted after school this coming Monday from 3.30pm to 8.32pm.

Academic Assembly on tomorrow, Friday 19 July

Our Semester 1, 2024 Academic Assembly will be held on Friday 19 July from 8.30am-9.30am in the Eirene Centre.

Students from Years 7-11 are asked to refer to Mr Lobb’s email listing all award recipients, sent last week.

Parents/Guardians of Award recipients are invited to attend the Academic Assembly. Each recipient of an Improvement Award or Academic Award can invite up to two guests. All guests are asked to be seated by 8.20am.

Academic Week

Academic Week was a resounding success. Year 6 students engaged in creative slime-making activities, while Year 5 challenged their intellects with trivia. Secondary school students participated in a competitive Wordle showdown and also enjoyed slime-making. Students also took part in Trivia Thursday this afternoon.

Deputy Principal - Students, Ms Catherine Allen

I hope that everyone enjoyed the mid-year break, with time shared with lots of love and enjoyment. A special welcome to all new members of our community. We are excited to get to know and work with you.

As always, we hit the ground running, with lots of various activities. Some might find the following online session of interest and wish to claim the date, Monday 19 August, 7.00-8.00pm. Dr Justin Coulson will run an online session on the topic Championing Neurodiversity: Helping children thrive in a neurotypical world. This will be a live session allowing participants to engage directly through questions. This webinar will be of interest to anyone knowing and caring for children who are diagnosed as neurodivergent, are undergoing assessment, or are suspected to be neurodivergent. More information to follow.

Please note a change in process if you are needing to collect a student during the day. Please provide the details via the App. When you are at school, please ring through to Student Services. Staff there will assist your student in signing out. They can then meet you at the gate. Students must sign out at the kiosk.

Primary Years News
Head of Primary - Ms Georgina Howard
Primary Communication
Academic Week Activities
Open Day Pick Up
Twilight Open Evening – Year 6 Tour Guides
Term 3 Learning Overviews + Assessments
Primary Awards
Primary Debating

Head of Primary - Ms Georgina Howard

Primary House Representatives

The Primary Team have been inspired by the spirit, enthusiasm and ideas of our House Representative Applicants. The girls were articulate and confident in their presentations to their House and Sister House and all nominees should be incredibly proud of their efforts.

It is with great excitement that we announce our House Representatives for Semester 2 2024.

Cascian – Ava B, Emily R

Rosa – Mia C, Addison W

Marian – Sophie D, Chloe M

Kildare – Sarah T, Bridget M

Nagle – Millie F, Paige C

Collins – Sofia C, Emme C

Hogan – Charlotte B, Mary L

Xaverian – Tahlia S, Alba S

We look forward to all of our Year 6 students leading by example next Semester and to seeing them work alongside their new House Representatives in building House spirit in the Primary Years.

We extend our gratitude to the Semester 1 Representatives for their leadership of the Primary Years in Terms 1 and 2. We look forward to acknowledging the contribution of our 2024 House Representatives at the End of Primary Celebration later this year.

Primary Communication

Please continue to check in with MySRC News regularly for Primary Years updates and communications. All students and parents are encouraged to review News each day for up-to-date information and notifications. This is the main source of communication for Primary families, in addition to emails from Primary staff.

Academic Week Activities

On Tuesday, Year 5 and 6 students enjoyed some exciting activities in celebration of Academic Week. The Year 5 girls had fun engaging in a Trivia Competition! The questions ranged from word puzzles to general knowledge and the competition was fun, lively and very competitive. The Year 6 girls thoroughly enjoyed making slime in the Science Labs! The experiment linked beautifully with the chemical changes the students are currently studying in their Science lessons. Thank you to Ms Morgan and to Charlotte and Abbey, our Academic Captains, for facilitating these fantastic learning opportunities for our Primary students.  

Open Day Pick Up

Please refer to the News communication from Ms Howard regarding the early 2.00pm pick up arrangements for Friday 26 July.

Twilight Open Evening – Year 6 Tour Guides

Thank you to the Year 6 students who have volunteered their time to support the College as Tour Guides at our Twilight Open Evening on Friday 26 July. Nominations will close on Friday 19 July at 3.00pm. Please click here to volunteer.

Term 3 Learning Overviews + Assessments

All Term 3 information regarding Learning Overviews, Assessments, Afternoon Activities are available via the Primary page on the Parent Hub. All Assessment dates have been published on the MySRC Calendar.

Primary Awards

Congratulations to the following Primary students who received Learner Quality Awards this week:

Olivia S, Gabriella D, Emily M, Samantha M, Ava A, Ciara T, Alessia F, Emma C, Emme C, Isabelle G, Quinn U

Primary Debating

The Primary debating program has two Year 6 teams and one Year 5 team coached by the 2024 Debating Captains, Year 11 and Year 10 debaters. There are four debates in this season which concludes in November. The program consists of the first session with a teacher unpacking the topic, two sessions with the student coaches preparing the case arguments before the evening debate at the end of the four-week cycle. QDU further supports these beginning debaters with an online academy session conducted by QDU adjudicators who unpack each topic. There are no finals, rather an opportunity to understand, develop skills and enjoy debating. Topics this year include “that we should ban tuckshops”, “that we should ban advertising aimed at children”, “that playing outside is better than playing inside” and “that fiction is better than non-fiction”.

Faculty News
Speech & Communication - Term 3 Enrolments Open
Debating News
Head of The Arts - Ms Bethany Dutton

Speech & Communication - Term 3 Enrolments Open

Limited places have become available in Speech and Communication this term for students Year 5 - Year 11.

Lessons are held on a rotational timetable during school hours, lunchtime OR After school each Monday.

Classes aim in creating confident, clear, communication savvy individuals. Accredited AMEB exams, Eisteddfods, public speaking and more. Please contact to find out more.

Debating News

The Secondary debating program continues into Term 3 with four teams competing in the knockout finals. Congratulations to 8.1, 9.1, 10.1 and 11.2. Teams will continue through the weekly rounds until unsuccessful. This first round is a known topic however future rounds will be short prep debates.

While these teams continue, all other teams competed well. Again this year, alumnae have coached and loved passing on skills they learnt as a debater and working with the next generation. With thanks to Isabelle B, Grace D, Jordan K, and Chloe S.

The Year 7 program has now concluded. QDU’s Junior Secondary Program develops the skills and interest in debating. This year the four St Rita’s teams competed very well and won most of their debates. This year the teams were coached by alumnae, Heidi L, Sarah S, and Courtney T. We look forward to the success of these student debaters in 2025

Head of The Arts - Ms Bethany Dutton

Arts Week 2024

Commencing on Monday 5 August, St Rita’s College is celebrating Arts Week. There are a range of workshops and events students can be involved in as part of this week. Some of the events include:

  • Ceramics Workshop – students will learn how to use Japanese tissue paper and underglaze techniques to decorate their own Yunomi teacup
  • Sound Editing Workshop – students will learn from Tfer Newsome an amazing sound editor and re-recording mixer and lecturer how to create an edited sequence with sound effectively – very practical workshop.
  • SFX makeup workshop – This immersive experience is students ticket to mastering the art of creating jaw-dropping cuts and bruises for film or theatre.
  • Photography workshop – Presented by Canon, this beginner friendly workshop will show you how to master the exposure triangle and take the images you’ve always wanted with your camera.
  • Staff vs Students Theatre Sports Competition
  • Arts week Photo competition – students have the opportunity to win some amazing prizes as part of the photo competition – winners will be announced at the Arts showcase afternoon

Some other events include Year 5 Channel 7 Studio excursion, Year 7 Kaboom percussion performance. This will be an amazing week of special events which culminates in an amazing afternoon that will showcase all the Arts – this will include Visual Arts displays in Orana and Eirene and Drama and Music performances as well as an Industry panel of Arts professionals working in the industry and the journey, they have taken to get there. Come along and view some of the amazing arts performances and experiences our students have been involved in 2024. Click here to reserve your seat. 

Year 9 Visual Arts 

Year 9 Visual Art students had the exciting opportunity to visit the Brisbane-exclusive exhibition, ‘Sculpting the Senses’ by Dutch fashion designer Iris van Herpen. This excursion allowed students to engage in an immersive sensory experience to view the expansive collection of 100 garments and cultural artefacts from which the designer herself draws inspiration. Students' observations will now inform their Responding task, to produce a review of the exhibit, and will inspire their own designs for their Wearable Art unit this semester.Students concluded the day by exploring the Queensland Art Gallery and the various collections and exhibits on current display. They left with renewed enthusiasm, full of inspiration and ultimately, a life-changing experience that will be memorable for years to come.

Sport News - Mr Joshua White, Director of Sport
Rugby 7s
Track & Field
CaSSSA Term 3
Water Polo


Congratulations to the Senior team who have made it to the quarter-finals of the All Schools Cup to be held on Tuesday 30 July at Leyshon Park, Yeronga.

Rugby 7s

We have commenced our new Rugby 7s season in partnership with Brothers Rugby Club. Training commenced in Week 1 with ad hoc games organised throughout the term. The teams are training to compete in the CaSSSA competition, which will be held in September. We will be submitting teams in the Sunshine Coast Gala and hope to achieve a place in the QRU All Schools Rugby 7s tournament. If you have any questions, please get in touch with the sports department. 

Track & Field

We spent the last weekend of the school holidays at our annual Track and Field camp, where we accompanied 28 students to the Sunshine Coast Recreational Centre. The students were able to complete in the Sunshine Coast Winter Athletics Competition, taking home multiple medals. Given the conditions the students were exemplary throughout the day, without one single complaint for the length of time and how wet and cold it was.

The season is underway, with our first meet held at UQ last Friday. 83 students were in attendance and we performed well. This was the first year we have been able to invite Primary students along to the meet. It was good to see such a wonderful turn out across the cohorts.

Training is also in full flow, now being held Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Saturdays, at Nudgee College. Sign up for training is open via MySRC on a Thursday afternoon for the follow weeks training and will close at 9.00am on Thursdays.

Our next meet is Friday 19 August at UQ,  and sign up closes at 12.00pm on Thursday 18 August.

CaSSSA Term 3

This term we have the following sports in play: Touch, Basketball and Football. Our first games were held in Week 2.


Term 3 sees the continuation of our Competitive and Development Squad training. Working towards our Champions Cup in August and Knowles Cup which will run in Term 4.


Our Vicky Wilson Cup and Shield teams are training hard for their finals in August. We went to St Margaret’s College last Sunday to play some exhibition games for their season launch where our students won convincingly. Preceding the games was a meet and greet with some Firebird players. Students thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon.

Saturday saw the Indigenous Round at DPNA. The girls enjoyed the smoking ceremony and it was a great way for some of our students to celebrate their indigenous heritage.

Water Polo

Winter training is well underway. Any players that are interested in competing for SRC in the Summer Season comp, please register for trials through MySRC Activity Selection. Sign ups close Wednesday 31 July.

We had a number of players that competed during the holidays in State and National competitions. Well done to all those players on representing SRC with pride. A big congratulations to Isabelle C for winning bronze medals with the U16 Australian team in Turkey at the World Championships over the holidays. 

Twilight Open Evening - Friday 26 July
Twilight Open Evening
Student Pick Up at 2.00pm on Friday 26 July
Student Volunteers
Parent Volunteers Required

Twilight Open Evening

On Friday 26 July we will open our doors to prospective families at our Twilight Open Evening from 4.00pm - 7.00pm.

This event is more than just a chance for prospective students to tour the campus; it’s an opportunity for prospective families to immerse themselves in our vibrant College community and learn more about the educational offerings and opportunities available at St Rita's College.

By sharing information about our Twilight Open Evening with your family, friends, and colleagues, you are helping us to connect with families seeking an exceptional educational experience for their children.

Please encourage interested parties to register their attendance via our College website.

Student Pick Up at 2.00pm on Friday 26 July

To facilitate our College Open Evening, all students will be dismissed at 2.00pm on Friday 26 July.

Primary students will be escorted to Enderley Rd and supervised whilst awaiting collection by parents/carers. Please refer to the News communication from Ms Howard regarding early pick up arrangements. 

Students unable to be collected at this early time or those catching public transport, will be supervised until 3.04pm in Ballygriffin. Students are to make their way to Ballygriffin at 2.00pm.

Student Volunteers

Student volunteers involved with Open Evening tours, displays or music, sport or other performances, are to assist staff with event set up after school. Student volunteers will receive a snack prior to the commencement of Open Evening.

Interested students are to register their involvement with teaching or cocurricular staff or via distributed forms to assist at the event.

Parent Volunteers Required

This year we are seeking parent volunteers to extend our St Rita’s College hospitality and assist with the following roles at Open Evening on Friday 26 July:

  • cooking bbqs (sausage sizzle)
  • serving food
  • distributing drinks
  • welcoming guests

If you are available to lend a hand for a few hours throughout the afternoon and evening on Friday 26 July please click here to register your details.

Many hands make light work so we hope many parents and guardians will support this event.

College Notices
Resourceful Adolescent Program (RAP) - Year 7
Nagle Education Alliance of Australia-National Competition, Years 5-12
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)
Rosa House Sudsy Challenge

Resourceful Adolescent Program (RAP) - Year 7

St Rita’s College will be hosting the Resourceful Adolescent Program (RAP) in Term 3. This is an optional program, which we are offering to Year 7 students and their parents/guardians.

RAP has been developed to promote positive coping strategies amongst adolescents and help parents provide support to their children through the teenage years. More information may be accessed here.

The students will participate in RAP-Adolescents (RAP-A) while parents and guardians will participate in RAP-Parents (RAP-P). Both programs will be run by Gail Murton who is a highly experienced Guidance Counsellor who worked at St Rita’s for 15 years before semi-retiring a few years ago.

The proposed program schedule is as follows:

  • RAP-A (5 sessions): Friday 19 July 8.00am-8.55am weekly for five weeks until Friday 16 August.
  • RAP-P (3 sessions): Tuesday 16 July 8.00am-10.00am, Tuesday 23 July 8.00-10.00am, and Tuesday 6 August 8.00-10.00am

Cost: There is no cost to attend the program. Each parent/guardian participant will require a workbook, which is $20 each. This cost will be added to your College account.

Numbers are limited and places will be allocated as the registrations are received. Please only register if you and your child can meet the attendance commitment for all sessions.

If you are interested in attending, please complete the form found here.

If you have any queries, please email

Nagle Education Alliance of Australia-National Competition, Years 5-12

All students from Year 5 to Year 12 are invited to create entries for the annual Nagle Prize. This is a competition across Australia for the NEAA - Presentation schools.

This year's theme is Hospitality and how St Rita's College displays this value through good works or deeds.

Entries can be in any medium eg. short story, poem, musical piece, small video, or drama piece. There are many more options such as short stories, poems or drama pieces (script) as a PDF/ musical piece as a score and lyrics/small video as an audio-visual file.

Entries close on Wednesday 24 July.

All entries are to be uploaded to MySRC.

Mrs Qureshi and Mrs Trims will choose one primary entry and one secondary entry to represent St Rita's College.

All questions can be directed to Mrs Qureshi.

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)

Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to students with disability. These relate to legislative requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, in line with the NCCD guidelines (2019).

Information provided about students to the Australian Government for the NCCD includes:

  • year of schooling
  • category of disability: physical, cognitive, sensory or social/emotional
  • level of adjustment provided: support provided within quality differentiated teaching practice, supplementary, substantial or extensive.

This information assists schools to:

  • formally recognise the supports and adjustments provided to students with disability in schools
  • consider how they can strengthen the support of students with disability in schools
  • develop shared practices so that they can review their learning programs in order to improve educational outcomes for students with disability.

The NCCD provides state and federal governments with the information they need to plan more broadly for the support of students with disability.

The NCCD will have no direct impact on your child and your child will not be involved in any testing process. The school will provide data to the Australian Government in such a way that no individual student will be able to be identified – the privacy and confidentiality of all students is ensured. All information is protected by privacy laws that regulate the collection, storage and disclosure of personal information. To find out more about these matters, please refer to the Australian Government’s Privacy Policy.

Further information about the NCCD can be found on the NCCD Portal.

If you have any questions about the NCCD, please contact the College.

Rosa House Sudsy Challenge

As part of the Rosa launch of the Sudsy Challenge for 2024, Rosa House was fortunate enough to have Orange Sky bring in one of the vans they use to service Brisbane. Students heard about the functionality of the van, along with the environmental considerations Orange Sky has included in the design of the vans. Watch this space for more information about the Rosa House Sudsy Challenge.

Pantry News
Gluten Free Menu Items
Coffee Window Items
Menu Updates
Online Order Collections

Gluten Free Menu Items

We are excited to announce that the Pantry is now able to offer new coeliac friendly* gluten-free (GF) hot meal options on the following days.

  • Monday: Mongolian Beef
  • Tuesday: Stir-fry Beef & Vegetables
  • Wednesday: Thai Green Chicken Curry & Rice
  • Friday: Chicken Fried Rice

Additionally, GF options for the Hot Dog and Fried Chicken Burger can now be ordered through the QKR App.

The College has invested in an air-fryer dedicated solely to preparing GF meals so we can now offer GF Chicken Tenders and GF Garlic Bread. The Chicken Caesar Salad is exclusively available as GF.

Before school, you can still enjoy our GF Breakfast wrap and GF Banana Bread, along with a new GF English Muffin with Bacon & Egg. These items can be ordered directly from the Pantry registers.

For snacks, we have introduced several new GF items:

  • GF Cheese and Cracker Pack
  • GF Twisted Frozen Yoghurt
  • Yoghurt and Granola with a GF alternative

We continue to offer the following items GF:

  • GF Protein Balls
  • GF Hummus with GF Crackers
  • GF Honey Soy and GF Salt & Vinegar Crisps

The Pantry makes every effort to prepare all gluten free items to be coeliac friendly, however, we are not a wheat free facility, so there is a small risk of cross contamination.

Coffee Window Items

Our coffee window now offers freshly baked Danish pastries. Whole fresh fruit is also available for purchase.

Menu Updates

We are continually updating and reviewing our menu to be more inclusive of students with dietary requirements. Here are some of the latest additions:

  • New lines of sugar-free drinks
  • Frozen yoghurt
  • All fresh chicken used at the Pantry is Lilydale Free Range
  • Special dietary items are more clearly labelled

Online Order Collections

We are trialling a new collection system at the Pantry window during lunch to help ease congestion when collecting online orders. We will continue to monitor the order collection to make the process as smooth as possible.

Thank you for your ongoing support as we strive to cater to the diverse needs of our school community.      

Parents & Friends' Association
P&F Major Fundraiser - Win a Mazda2 and other great prizes
Upcoming P&F Meetings and Events in Term 3

P&F Major Fundraiser - Win a Mazda2 and other great prizes

You’ve got to be in it to win it!
With just over a month left to purchase tickets, don't miss your chance to win a brand new Mazda2, Apple Products Pack or a Treetops getaway in Montville, all while supporting our wonderful P&F Association.

Tickets: 1 Ticket for $50.00 or 3 Tickets for $100

Prize Drawn: Wednesday 28 August 2024

All proceeds from the 2024 raffle will support the Nano Nagle Library refurbishment project.

Click here for full details of the $29,758 prize pool and to purchase your tickets.

Upcoming P&F Meetings and Events in Term 3

  • Tuesday 20 August: P&F Meeting
  • Wednesday 28 August: Father Daughter Breakfast
  • Thursday 10 September: P&F Meeting

For a full list of P&F meeting dates and events please visit the Parents & Friends page of MySRC, accessible via the Parent Hub.

Alumnae Association
Upcoming Alumnae Meetings and Catch Up Event - Tuesday 30 July
Alumnae Newsletter - July Edition

Upcoming Alumnae Meetings and Catch Up Event - Tuesday 30 July

All current parents who are alumnae are invited to join us at our next alumnae committee meeting on Tuesday 30 July at 6.00pm in the Orana Room, Trinity Building.

Come along to reconnect, share your ideas, and join our growing Alumnae Committee. Whether you are keen on joining the Executive team or becoming a committee member, we eagerly await your involvement.

As we approach our centenary in 2026, we are preparing a variety of activities and events for our Alumnae members and would love your help.

If you are interested in finding out more information or wish to join the committee, please click here to register your attendance. Wine and cheese will be served prior or the meeting. We look forward to seeing you.

Mrs Anna Martini
Alumnae President

Alumnae Newsletter - July Edition

The July 2024 Edition of Virtute has now been distributed to all Alumnae who have updated their details with the College. This edition contains an article on Sr Elvera’s retirement, some great stories profiling alumnae and their achievements, updates from the College, and reunion notices. 

Boutique News
Uniform Policy
Term Time Opening Hours
Online Orders
St Rita’s Buy, Sell, Swap, Giveaway Facebook Group

Uniform Policy

The updated 2024 College Uniform Policy can be found here.

Term Time Opening Hours

  • Monday - CLOSED
  • Tuesday to Friday – 7.30am to 9.00am & 11.00am - 3.30pm (closed between 9.00am and 11.00am). 

 The Boutique is closed during school holidays throughout the year.

Online Orders

Online Orders can be made any time via the Qkr! App and collected during Boutique opening hours.

Orders received before 9.00am Tuesday-Friday will be available to collect from the Boutique from 11.00am the same day. Orders received after 9.00am will be available for collection the following business day after 11.00am.

The Boutique is staffed by Ms Laurinda Plant who can be contacted on 3860 7119 or via email at

St Rita’s Buy, Sell, Swap, Giveaway Facebook Group

Parents wishing to seek out second hand uniform and school items are encouraged to try the St Rita's Buy, Sell, Swap, Giveaway Facebook Group. 

The site is parent administered and new items are being added regularly by families.

The College Boutique does not trade in second hand items.

Upcoming Events and Activities
Upcoming Dates to Note
Community Mass, Collins and Nagle House - Tuesday 23 July
Parent Book Club - Thursday 8 August
Ponytail Project - Friday 9 August
Father Daughter Breakfast - Wednesday 28 August
St Rita's College Race Day - Saturday 19 October

Upcoming Dates to Note

  • Friday 19 July: Academic Assembly (Semester 1, 2024)
  • Monday 22 July: Parent Teacher Interviews
  • Tuesday 23 July: Nagle & Collins Community Mass
  • Wednesday 24 July - Friday 26 July: Year 9 Camp
  • Thursday 25 July: Year 7 Retreat
  • Thursday 25 July: Year 5 Let's Chat
  • Friday 26 July: Twilight Open Evening - 2.00pm finish for students
  • Monday 29 July: Marian Colour Day-Zumba
  • Tuesday 30 July: Alumnae Meeting
  • Wednesday 31 July: Year 6 Retreat
  • Wednesday 31 July: EWL Award Presentations
  • Thursday 1 August - Friday 2 August: Year 11 Leadership Days
  • Thursday 1 August: Year 10 & 12 Shake and Stir Performances
  • Friday 2 August: Year 8 Retreat
  • Friday 2 August: VETiS Afternoon Information Session
  • Monday 5 August: Term 3 Cocurricular Photos
  • Tuesday 6 August: Xaverian & Hogan Community Mass
  • Tuesday 6 August: Year 5 Channel 7 Visit
  • Thursday 8 August: Arts Showcase
  • Thursday 8 August: Book Club for Parents and Guardians
  • Friday 9 August: Simply Splendid/Ponytail Chop
  • Friday 9 August - Saturday 10 August: Vicki Wilson Finals Round

Community Mass, Collins and Nagle House - Tuesday 23 July

Parents and Guardians are invited to join us for our Collins and Nagle House Community Mass on Tuesday 23 July at 8.00am. The mass will be held in the College Chapel.

Parent Book Club - Thursday 8 August

Principal, Mrs Maree Trims, is excited to invite all College parents to the inaugural Book Club for Parents & Guardians.

Join us for a rich discussion surrounding The Popular Girls by Dr Mary Kaspar. In this groundbreaking self-help book for parents, clinical psychologist Dr Mary Kaspar deconstructs popularity and its links to our girls' wellbeing.

The Popular Girls comes highly recommended by author Rebecca Sparrow, who will be working with staff, students and parents as part of our Book Week celebrations. Rebecca talks to thousands of school students (and their parents!) every year about friendship, resilience, giving back and how to have a more positive experience online.

The Popular Girls can be purchased on Dr Mary Kaspar's website for those who wish to read it before the event.


Thursday 8 August

7.00pm - 8.30pm

St Rita's College Library

Wine and cheese provided


The St Rita's College Book Club for Parents & Guardians is a free event.


Please register for this event using this Humanitix link  by Monday 5 August 2024.

Ponytail Project - Friday 9 August

St Rita's College has again decided to #ROCKTHECHOP this year for Cancer Council Australia's Ponytail Project. The project raises money to fund life-changing research and ensure Cancer Council Queensland can support communities going through their cancer journeys. Students grow their hair throughout the year while raising money, then have their ponytails chopped in August. After the Ponytail Chop, don't miss out on our Simply Splendid Talent Show where students showcase their skills and shine on stage. 

Click here to learn more and donate.

Father Daughter Breakfast - Wednesday 28 August

Ticket sales are open for the annual St Rita's College Father and Daughter Breakfast, proudly supported by the P&F Association.

Wednesday 28 August 2024
6.15am to 8.30am
Members Lawn, Eagle Farm Racecourse, Lancaster Road, Ascot

*This is an outdoor event. Students are strongly encouraged to wear their winter uniform items. Fathers/father figures are also encouraged to dress warmly.

Ticket price includes plated, table served hot Breakfast, complemented by a selection of fresh pastries, juices, tea and coffee. 

Participate in fun activities and be in with a chance to win some great raffle prizes! 

Click here to view details and to purchase tickets.

St Rita's College Race Day - Saturday 19 October

Get ready for an exciting day at the St Rita’s College Race Day, brought to you by our P&F Association, proudly supported by the Sports SubCommittee.

More information will be shared in the coming weeks.

Community Notices
Absent from the Table Research Project
Softball Sessions at Downey Park
Pilates on Collingwood Street

Absent from the Table Research Project

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference is undertaking a research project aimed at investigating why Catholics do not participate in regular weekly Sunday Mass (Sunday Mass includes the Saturday Vigil). The project will provide in-depth information about contemporary religious practices and beliefs of Catholics in Australia. The insights would enable parishes, movements, and school communities to respond to the trends in participation in the Church, update the Church’s awareness and understanding of the present-day context, and enable responses and collaboration around the underlying factors for non/dis-engagement.

Individuals that are above 18 years of age are invited to take part in this research. Please click here to access information about the project, and to enter the survey itself.

Softball Sessions at Downey Park

Softball sessions are being run at Downey Park, Windsor by the Bears Softball Club. The $50 registration fee offsets the cost of a quality leather glove and low impact ball for each participant. Click here for further details. 

Pilates on Collingwood Street

St Rita's community is invited to experience Pilates on Collingwood Street with a special introductory offer. Please click here to view further details.