Welcome to Term 3, 2024 Welcome to Term 3, 2024

From our College Leadership Team
Principal - Mrs Maree Trims
Deputy Principal - Studies, Mrs Lara Morgan

Principal - Mrs Maree Trims

Dear Parents and Guardians,

As we commence Term 3, I hope our students and staff have had a restful and rejuvenating term break and are excited for the term ahead. I especially welcome our new families joining us this term and welcome back Ms Allen, Mr Negline and Mrs Burton who have been on leave. The break was an excellent opportunity for everyone to recharge, and we trust that it provided a much-needed pause to reconnect and spend quality time with loved ones.

As we prepare for a busy and exciting Term, let us take a moment to reflect on some courageous student moments and College milestones from Term 2 as we strive to be people of actions not words throughout 2024, our Year of Courage.

Term 3 is always a pivotal part in our academic year as students settle into their subjects and consolidate the learning from Semester 1. The collaboration between students, parents, and teachers is crucial for achieving the best outcomes for students. When parents and teachers work together, they create a supportive and cohesive environment that fosters student success. I encourage you to contact your child’s teacher if you have any concerns about their learning as this collaboration among all parties is key to creating an enriching educational experience for our community.

This semester, I encourage all students to give their best, embrace challenges and strive for excellence in all their endeavours.

Yours sincerely

Mrs Maree Trims

Staff News

I am delighted to recognise and extend a warm welcome to new staff members joining our College community.

Mrs Juanita Doherty - Science

Mrs Kirsty Gore - Pastoral

Mrs Trudy Bolton - Cocurricular Music Tutor

Mr Sean Jonen - Languages

Ms Nicole Brett - College Archivist 

Student Pick Up at 2.00pm on Friday 26 July - Open Evening

To facilitate our College Open Evening on Friday 26 July, students will be dismissed at 2.00pm. Primary students will be escorted to Enderley Rd and supervised whilst awaiting collection by parents/guardians. Students unable to be collected at this early time or those catching public transport, will be supervised until 3.04pm. Students volunteers involved with tours, displays or participating in music, sport or other performances, will be assisting with set up, in anticipation of our guests.

Term 3: Monday 8 July - Friday 13 September

  • Monday 15 July: Student Free Day
  • Friday 26 July: 2.00pm student finish ahead of Open Evening
  • Wednesday 14 August: Ekka Public Holiday
  • Friday 30 August: Student Free Day

Deputy Principal - Studies, Mrs Lara Morgan

Term 3 Parent-Teacher-Student Interviews

On Monday 1 July, all parents/guardians received an email regarding Term 3 Parent-Teacher-Student Interviews. The online booking system is currently open and will close on Tuesday 9 July at 11.59pm.

Parent-Teacher-Student Interviews will occur online via Zoom at the following days and times:

  • Monday 15 July (1.30pm – 6.32pm) Please note, this is a Student Free Day so that students can attend.
  • Monday 22 July (3.30pm – 8.32pm)

If parents are unsuccessful securing an appointment with a particular teacher, they are welcome to contact them directly via email.

If at any time you require assistance with Parent-Teacher-Student Interview bookings, please contact the IT Department at helpdesk@stritas.qld.edu.au 

Staffing Changes in Semester 2

This coming term will see several staff taking entitled leave, including maternity leave, as well as necessary personal and long service leave; this has necessitated a number of changes to the teachers who will be guiding classes through their learning. There are also several teachers who are returning after taking leave during Term 2. With the number of changes that are occurring, it is vital that all families and students check MySRC to see their most current timetable.

Whilst changing teaching staff is not ideal, it has been unavoidable, and leadership has worked hard to ensure that disruptions are kept to a minimum. Please understand that your child’s learning needs are being taken care of by the teacher they will be working with. It is the role of each teacher to ensure that every student is appropriately challenged and stretched in their learning so that she can attain her best. This will continue during Semester 2 at St Rita’s College.

I thank parents for their continued support in partnering with teachers to ensure that each student reaches their full potential.

Academic Awards Assembly

The Semester 1 Academic Awards Assembly will be held on Friday 19 July at 8.35am and parents of award recipients are welcome to attend. The list of Academic Award recipients will be finalised by Monday 15 July.

Year 9 and 10 2025 Subject Selection (current Year 8 and 9 families)

Students and parents/guardians are invited to attend the online Subject Selection evening on Wednesday 10 July. This is an important evening that will cover student core learning next year, as well as information to inform elective subject choices. Attendance by all Year 8 and 9 students with at least one parent/guardian is compulsory. All information including Zoom links are available via the respective Subject Selection Pages on MySRC (accessed here).

  • Year 9 2025 (current Year 8 students) will meet online via Zoom at 6.00pm.
  • Year 10 2025 (current Year 9 students) will meet online via Zoom at 7.00pm.

Parents are strongly recommended to engage in intentional conversations with their child/ren about their decisions regarding subject choices. Families can engage in the videos, information, and Options Booklet located on their respective Subject Selection page prior to the evening.

Further information will be emailed to parents on Monday 8 July.

Year 10 SET Plan Meetings

Current Year 10 students and their parents/guardians received important information about their SET Plan meeting on Monday 1 July.

In Year 10, all schools work with students and their parents/caregivers to develop a Senior Education and Training Plan (SET Plan). Developing this plan helps students to structure their learning in Years 11 and 12 around their abilities, interests, and ambitions. This plan helps students decide which learning options they should choose to achieve their full potential, creating opportunities for further education/training and their career goals.

SET Plan meetings will occur via Zoom on Monday 15 July between 9.00am – 11.00am. Parents/Guardians can book this meeting by visiting the Parent Teacher Interviews/SET Plan Meeting page on MySRC and following the prompt to book interviews.

The online booking system is currently open and will close on Tuesday 9 July at 11.59pm. This meeting is compulsory for all students with a minimum of one parent/guardian.

Primary Years News
Head of Primary - Ms Georgina Howard
Term 3 Overviews + Assessment Calendar
Term 3 Afternoon Activities
Term 3 Incursions – Let’s Chat
End of Primary Celebration
Year 6 Canberra Trip
Holiday Sports Clinics

Head of Primary - Ms Georgina Howard

Welcome to Term 3 in the Primary Years! We are looking forward to another exciting term of learning. To ensure you are up to date regarding your daughter’s learning, cocurricular and extracurricular opportunities, please continue to check MySRC News (in the Primary Years tab) throughout the term.

Before and After School Expectations

A gentle reminder that all Primary students are required to meet the Primary Years Before and After School Expectations, which can be found in the Primary Years Hub, accessed via the Parent Hub. These expectations are for both Year 5 and Year 6 students in Semester 2.

Year 5 students are also required to follow the Year 5 Afternoon Pick Up Plan, if they are not catching the bus or walking home. This can also be found on the Primary Years Hub.

Term 3 Overviews + Assessment Calendar

Term 3 Overviews for Year 5 and Year 6 have been published to the Primary Years page on the Parent Hub.

Please read through these documents to familiarise yourself with the learning content being taught in Year 5 and Year 6 next term. On the first page, we have listed the curriculum information across all six (6) core subject areas. On the second page, we have mapped out the assessment schedule across the term. Please note that final assessment dates will be confirmed on the MySRC Calendar by the start of Term 3 on Monday 8 July.

Term 3 Afternoon Activities

The Term 3 Afternoon Schedule will be published by the first week of next term on the Primary page of the Parent Hub.

To register your daughter for any afternoon activities please contact the relevant department.

Please use the link below to register for Chess Club and Homework Club. Spaces within these clubs is limited, so please register early to avoid disappointment.

Click here to register for Homework Club (Weeks 3-7)

Click here to register for Chess Club (Weeks 4-10)

Term 3 Incursions – Let’s Chat

This term, our Primary classes will participate in workshops facilitated by Let's Chat: Confident Bodies, Confident Kids.

Please click here for an overview of the session for each year level (Year 5 25th July and Year 6 9th July)

These sessions are provided as part of the Health units for Years 5 and 6 this term. If you would prefer your child not to participate in these sessions, please let us know by Monday 8 July.

End of Primary Celebration

This semester our Year 6 students will embark on their final year of Primary schooling. We look forward to marking this significant milestone and Year 6 families will receive details regarding the End of Primary Celebration in coming weeks.

Year 6 Canberra Trip

Our recent Year 6 Canberra Trip was a huge success with the girls enjoying an action-packed week learning about Australian history, visiting significant historical and cultural landmarks and braving the chilly Canberra weather to explore our nation’s capital.

A special thank you to Mrs Brennan for the time and effort that went into organising this incredible trip for our girls. Thank you also to Mrs Hukins, Mr Robinson, Mrs Skelton and Mrs Toohey for travelling with the girls and helping to provide this special learning opportunity.

Whilst the sights and history that we discover in Canberra are exciting, the resilience and independence required for such a trip is a testament to the Year 6 students. Spending a week away from their families is a significant step that required bravery, self-awareness and self-regulation. The girls were independent young women who looked after themselves and each other, demonstrating persistence, determination, courage and compassion. Thank you to our Year 6 students for being such wonderful representatives of our College community.

Each day was in itself an adventure with such a busy and exciting itinerary! Highlights from the trip include:

  • Visiting the Royal Australian Mint the same morning that the Bluey Coin was released!
  • Visiting the House of Representatives and the Senate in Parliament House
  • Paying our respects at the War Memorial and learning about the incredible men and women who have kept our country safe
  • Seeing snow for the first time at Thredbo
  • Going up the chairlift to (nearly!) the top of Mt. Kosciusko
  • Exploring the Botanical Gardens
  • Sitting in the red leather chairs of the Senate at Old Parliament House
  • Visiting Government House and learning about the role of the Governor-General
  • And many, many more!

Holiday Sports Clinics

Year 5 2025

Over the holidays, we were excited to welcome our Year 5 2025 cohort onto our campus for the Year 5 Sports Clinic. Over 60 students participated in exciting sessions of volleyball, netball, tennis and touch football. Each student departed at the end of the day with new friendships and connections being made. Thank you to our Sports Team for facilitating this opportunity for our newest students and to the Pantry staff for providing their delicious lunch. We look forward to welcoming our Year 5 2025 students back later this year as part of our Ready for Rita’s Orientation Program!

Year 7 2027

Our current Year 6 students, along with the incoming Year 7 cohort of 2025, enjoyed two wonderful days brimming with enthusiasm and sportsmanship. Guided by our dedicated sports team, the students engaged in a variety of athletic activities. To add to the excitement, Principal Mrs Maree Trims made a surprise visit. Her visit not only boosted their spirits but also provided an opportunity for her to connect with both our current students and soon to be newest members of our school community. 

College Notices
Twilight Open Evening - Friday 26 July
Resourceful Adolescent Program (RAP) - Year 7
Nagle Education Alliance of Australia-National Competition, Years 5-12
Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)

Twilight Open Evening - Friday 26 July

On Friday 26 July we will open our doors to prospective families at our Twilight Open Evening from 4.00pm - 7.00pm.

This event is more than just a chance for prospective students to tour the campus; it’s an opportunity for prospective families to immerse themselves in our vibrant College community and learn more about the educational offerings, opportunities, and support available at St Rita's College.

By sharing information about our Twilight Open Evening with your family, friends, and colleagues, you are helping us to connect with families seeking an exceptional educational experience for their children.
Please encourage interested parties to register their attendance via our College website.

Many of our current students will be involved in this event and further details will be distributed over the coming weeks.

Student Pick Up at 2.00pm - Friday 26 July

To facilitate our College Open Evening on Friday 26 July, students will be dismissed at 2.00pm. Primary students will be escorted to Enderley Rd and supervised whilst awaiting collection by parents/carers. Students unable to be collected at this early time or those catching public transport, will be supervised until 3.04pm. Students volunteers involved with tours, displays or participating in music, sport or other performances, will be assisting with set up, in anticipation of our guests.

Resourceful Adolescent Program (RAP) - Year 7

St Rita’s College will be hosting the Resourceful Adolescent Program (RAP) in Term 3. This is an optional program, which we are offering to Year 7 students and their parents/guardians.

RAP has been developed to promote positive coping strategies amongst adolescents and help parents provide support to their children through the teenage years. More information may be accessed here.

The students will participate in RAP-Adolescents (RAP-A) while parents and guardians will participate in RAP-Parents (RAP-P). Both programs will be run by Gail Murton who is a highly experienced Guidance Counsellor who worked at St Rita’s for 15 years before semi-retiring a few years ago.

The proposed program schedule is as follows:

  • RAP-A (5 sessions): Friday 19 July 8.00am-8.55am weekly for five weeks until Friday 16 August.
  • RAP-P (3 sessions): Tuesday 16 July 8.00am-10.00am, Tuesday 23 July 8.00-10.00am, and Tuesday 6 August 8.00-10.00am

Cost: There is no cost to attend the program. Each parent/guardian participant will require a workbook, which is $20 each. This cost will be added to your College account.

Numbers are limited and places will be allocated as the registrations are received. Please only register if you and your child can meet the attendance commitment for all sessions.

If you are interested in attending, please complete the form found here.

If you have any queries, please email pmatheson@stritas.qld.edu.au

Nagle Education Alliance of Australia-National Competition, Years 5-12

All students from Year 5 to Year 12 are invited to create entries for the annual Nagle Prize. This is a competition across Australia for the NEAA - Presentation schools.

This year's theme is Hospitality and how St Rita's College displays this value through good works or deeds.

Entries can be in any medium eg. short story, poem, musical piece, small video, or drama piece. There are many more options such as short stories, poems or drama pieces (script) as a PDF/ musical piece as a score and lyrics/small video as an audio-visual file.

Entries close on Wednesday 24 July.

All entries are to be uploaded to MySRC.

Mrs Qureshi and Mrs Trims will choose one primary entry and one secondary entry to represent St Rita's College.

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD)

Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to students with disability. These relate to legislative requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, in line with the NCCD guidelines (2019).

Information provided about students to the Australian Government for the NCCD includes:

  • year of schooling
  • category of disability: physical, cognitive, sensory or social/emotional
  • level of adjustment provided: support provided within quality differentiated teaching practice, supplementary, substantial or extensive.

This information assists schools to:

  • formally recognise the supports and adjustments provided to students with disability in schools
  • consider how they can strengthen the support of students with disability in schools
  • develop shared practices so that they can review their learning programs in order to improve educational outcomes for students with disability.

The NCCD provides state and federal governments with the information they need to plan more broadly for the support of students with disability.

The NCCD will have no direct impact on your child and your child will not be involved in any testing process. The school will provide data to the Australian Government in such a way that no individual student will be able to be identified – the privacy and confidentiality of all students is ensured. All information is protected by privacy laws that regulate the collection, storage and disclosure of personal information. To find out more about these matters, please refer to the Australian Government’s Privacy Policy.

Further information about the NCCD can be found on the NCCD Portal.

If you have any questions about the NCCD, please contact the College.

Parents & Friends' Association
P&F Major Fundraiser - Win a Mazda2 and other great prizes
P&F Meeting – Tuesday 16 July
Upcoming P&F Meetings and Events in Term 3

P&F Major Fundraiser - Win a Mazda2 and other great prizes

P&F Major Fundraiser – Win a Mazda 2 and other great prizes
Support the P&F Association's major fundraiser for 2024 and stand a chance to win!

With only 2,500 tickets available, act quickly to win one of three fantastic prizes, including a Mazda2 6Auto Hatch!

All proceeds from the 2024 raffle will support the Nano Nagle Library refurbishment project.

Tickets: 1 Ticket for $50.00 or 3 Tickets for $100
Prize Drawn: Wednesday 28 August 2024

Click here for full details of the $29,758 prize pool and to purchase your tickets.

P&F Meeting – Tuesday 16 July

The next P&F meeting will be held on Tuesday 16 July at 6.00pm and all parents/guardians are welcome. The meeting will be held in the College Library, please enter via the Reception Doors off the Main Driveway.

Please click here to propose any agenda items you would like raised at the next meeting or future meetings. This agenda item form is also available on the P&F page of MySRC, alternatively please submit contact the P&F Committee via email Pandf@stritas.qld.edu.au

Mrs Pattie Pozzebon
P&F President

Upcoming P&F Meetings and Events in Term 3

  • Tuesday 16 July: P&F Meeting 
  • Tuesday 20 August: P&F Meeting
  • Wednesday 28 August: Father Daughter Breakfast
  • Thursday 10 September: P&F Meeting

For a full list of P&F meeting dates and events please visit the Parents & Friends page of MySRC, accessible via the Parent Hub.

Alumnae Association
Upcoming Alumnae Meetings and Catch Up Event - Tuesday 30 July

Upcoming Alumnae Meetings and Catch Up Event - Tuesday 30 July

All current parents who are alumnae are invited to join us at our next alumnae committee meeting on Tuesday 30 July at 6.00pm in the Orana Room, Trinity Building.

Come along to reconnect, share your ideas, and join our growing Alumnae Committee. Whether you are keen on joining the Executive team or becoming a committee member, we eagerly await your involvement. 

As we approach our centenary in 2026, we are preparing a variety of activities and events for our Alumnae members and would love your help.

If you are interested in finding out more information or wish to join the committee, please click here to register your attendance. Wine and cheese will be served prior or the meeting. We look forward to seeing you.

Mrs Anna Martini
Alumnae President

Boutique News
Boutique Hours and Order Collection
College Scarf
New Items

Boutique Hours and Order Collection

The Boutique will open on the first day of Term 3 on Monday 8 July from 8.00am-9.00am and during lunch and afternoon tea breaks, for students to purchase any ‘back-to-school’ needs. Orders placed via Qkr! will be available for collection from 11.00am on Monday.

College Scarf

The College Scarf is now available to pre-order online. It is due to arrive back in stock around the second week of July. Students will be advised via the app when it arrives in store for collection.

New Items

We have a new items available through the Boutique:

  • Sleeper Earrings – gold & silver - $19 each
  • Brown flat shoe laces - $3.50
  • Brown show polish - $13
Upcoming Events and Activities
Upcoming Dates to Note
Community Mass, Collins and Nagle House - Tuesday 23 July
Parent Book Club - Thursday 8 August
Ponytail Project - Friday 9 August
Father Daughter Breakfast - Wednesday 28 August
St Rita's College Race Day - Saturday 19 October

Upcoming Dates to Note

  • Monday 8 July: Term 3 Commences
  • Tuesday 9 July: Whole School Assembly
  • Tuesday 9 July: Year 6 Let's Chat
  • Tuesday 9 July: Parent Teacher Student Interviews Booking
  • Wednesday 10 July: Year 9, 2025 Subject Selection Evening (Zoom)
  • Wednesday 10 July: Year 10 2025 Subject Selection Evening (Zoom)
  • Thursday 11 July: Cascian Country Day
  • Friday 12 July: Student Casual Dress Day
  • Friday 12 July: Year 9 Visual Art Excursion
  • Sunday 14 July - Monday 15 July: Sporting Excellence Camp
  • Monday 15 July: Student Free Day - Year 10 SET Plan Meetings (Zoom)
  • Monday 15 July: Parent Teacher Interviews
  • Tuesday 16 July: Marian Bake Off
  • Tuesday 16 July: Year 7 English Poetry Performance
  • Tuesday 16 July: P&F Meeting
  • Wednesday 17 July: Year 10 Retreat
  • Monday 22 July: Parent Teacher Interviews
  • Tuesday 23 July: Nagle & Collins Community Mass
  • Wednesday 24 July - Friday 26 July: Year 9 Camp
  • Thursday 25 July: Year 7 Retreat
  • Thursday 25 July: Year 5 Let's Chat
  • Friday 26 July: EWL Award Presentations
  • Friday 26 July: Twilight Open Evening - 2.00pm finish for students
  • Monday 29 July: Marian Colour Day
  • Tuesday 30 July: Alumnae Meeting
  • Wednesday 31 July: Year 6 Retreat

Community Mass, Collins and Nagle House - Tuesday 23 July

Parents and Guardians are invited to join us for our Collins and Nagle House Community Mass on Tuesday 23 July at 8.00am. The mass will be held in the College Chapel.

Parent Book Club - Thursday 8 August

Principal, Mrs Maree Trims, is excited to invite all College parents to the inaugural Book Club for Parents & Guardians.

Join us for a rich discussion surrounding The Popular Girls by Dr Mary Kaspar. In this groundbreaking self-help book for parents, clinical psychologist Dr Mary Kaspar deconstructs popularity and its links to our girls' wellbeing.

The Popular Girls comes highly recommended by author Rebecca Sparrow, who will be working with staff, students and parents as part of our Book Week celebrations. Rebecca talks to thousands of school students (and their parents!) every year about friendship, resilience, giving back and how to have a more positive experience online.

The Popular Girls can be purchased on Dr Mary Kaspar's website for those who wish to read it before the event.


Thursday 8 August

7.00pm - 8.30pm

St Rita's College Library

Wine and cheese provided


The St Rita's College Book Club for Parents & Guardians is a free event.


Please register for this event using this Humanitix link by Monday 5 August 2024.

Ponytail Project - Friday 9 August

St Rita's College has again decided to #ROCKTHECHOP this year for Cancer Council Australia's Ponytail Project. The project raises money to fund life-changing research and ensure Cancer Council Queensland can support communities going through their cancer journeys. Students grow their hair throughout the year while raising money, then have their ponytails chopped in August. 

Click here to learn more and donate. 

Father Daughter Breakfast - Wednesday 28 August

We are excited for the highly anticipated St Rita’s College Father and Daughter Breakfast - an annual tradition you won’t want to miss, proudly hosted by our P&F Association. 

Further details will be shared in Term 3.

St Rita's College Race Day - Saturday 19 October

Get ready for an exciting day at the St Rita’s College Race Day, brought to you by our P&F Association, proudly supported by the Sports SubCommittee.

More information will be shared in the coming weeks.

Parent/Student Matters
Absent, Late and Unwell Students
Operoo - Online consent and care information
Qkr! App - Online ordering for the Pantry and College Boutique
Procedure for Parents coming on to Campus
Updating Contact Details

Absent, Late and Unwell Students

The College must be informed of all student absences, including late arrivals and early departures. Permission for late arrival or early departure is only granted for medical or other necessary appointments that cannot be facilitated before or after school hours.

Parents and Guardians are asked to notify the College of their child’s absence, late arrival or early departure before 8.30am via the Online Absentee Form, accessible from the College Website, MySRC and College App. The College does not accept telephone or email advice of absence.

The College takes the possible spread of illness seriously and students who are unwell must remain at home.

  • If your child becomes unwell with any illness whilst at school, they will be assessed by the College Nurse and parents/guardians will be contacted for immediate collection of their child if it is deemed they should not be at school. The Health Centre is for temporary respite only.
  • Parents are to park in Enderley Road Drop Off Zone and walk into campus to collect their child unless otherwise advised by the College Nurse. Vehicles will not be permitted on campus during school hours.

Operoo - Online consent and care information

Please ensure your student’s medical and contact details are up to date in Operoo. 

When creating or updating your daughter's Operoo profile, please ensure the email address you enter is the same as the email address held by the College database. This is important to allow the information you provide in Operoo to sync with College systems.

You are also encouraged to enter a Secondary Contact’s email address and mobile number. This person should be the official Secondary Contact you have lodged with the College and not someone such as an Aunt or Uncle who is an Emergency Contact. (In most circumstances, Mum or Dad is the Primary Contact and visa versa for the Secondary Contact.) Emails and SMS will be sent to this Secondary Contact for notification purposes only. This person will not be able to view or edit the student’s profile nor view and respond to forms sent out by the system. Even though Operoo states Secondary Contacts as ‘Optional’, having this entered is beneficial for the College if we need to use Operoo to urgently email or SMS parents in the event of a closure or other sudden whole-of-school circumstance. 

Emergency Contacts should be persons other than the legal parents/guardians - a trusted relative or friend who would ordinarily be able to attend the school to collect your child should the need arise and the parents are unavailable.

Operoo accounts are ‘owned’ by the parent. As such, the College can view information, but cannot alter information. This may only be done by the parent owner.

Qkr! App - Online ordering for the Pantry and College Boutique

A Qkr! account allows parents and guardians to pay for Pantry (Tuckshop) and Boutique (Uniform Shop) items using a credit or debit card without pre-loading funds to a third party account. Term 2 Pantry menus and Boutique items are available for online ordering.

Click here for step-by-step instructions for downloading the Qkr App to your device, creating student profile/s, and ordering and making payments. Parents who prefer to use web ordering can do so.

Procedure for Parents coming on to Campus

All parents and visitors coming onto campus are to visit College Main Reception at the Nagle Building (not Student Services) and Sign In and Sign Out regardless of the purpose or length of your visit. This procedure is required even if you are dropping off an essential item to your child. 

When visiting campus parents are to park off campus and walk to Main Reception.

Matters such as forgotten lunches and forgotten uniform items can be addressed by students visiting Student Services for assistance and do not require parents to come to campus.

Updating Contact Details

It is important that parents/guardians update the College with changes to home and/or work email addresses and telephone numbers. If a parent/guardian needs to be contacted urgently due to illness or accident, telephone is used. Email is used for a variety of purposes including fortnightly distribution of the College newsletter, Verbis, and particularly by teaching staff to connect with parents. Please use the Update Details function in MySRC to make any changes.

Emergency Contacts should be persons other than the legal parents/guardians - a trusted relative or friend who would ordinarily be able to attend the school to collect your child should the need arise and parents be unavailable.

Policy and Procedure Information
College Policies
Mobile Phones and Listening Devices
Enrolment Update - Withdrawal of Students

College Policies

It is important that parents/guardians and students familiarise themselves with the following policies. This information is available via MySRC on our College website under Our College/Policies and Reports.

  • Acceptable Use of Mobile Phone Policy
  • Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments (AARA)
  • Anti-Bullying Policy
  • Assessment Guidelines
  • Child Safeguarding Policy
  • Child Safeguarding Code of Conduct
  • Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy
  • College Community Code of Conduct
  • College Uniform Policy
  • Homework Policy
  • Library Guidelines and Textbook Hire Policy
  • Volunteer and Other Personnel Code of Conduct Policy

Mobile Phones and Listening Devices

In accordance with our College policy, students are not to carry or use mobile devices during school hours.

Please be advised, that mobile phones are to be turned off and placed in a student’s locker from 8.30am-3.04pm and no phones or smartphones are to be used when making Pantry or Boutique purchases. 

A mobile phone may only be used under explicit teacher instruction, for that lesson only. If a mobile phone/device is seen during school hours it will be confiscated. Similarly, students are not to wear headphones, ear buds, earphones or AirPods unless under direct teacher instruction.

Acceptable and Unacceptable Uses of mobile phones and listening devices and other regulations are listed in the College mobile phone policy. Please ensure your daughter is familiar with this policy.

Enrolment Update - Withdrawal of Students

As per our Conditions of Enrolment, A full Term’s notice in writing must be given to the Principal before any student is withdrawn. The notice must be given no later than one (1) week before the end of the preceding Term. This ensures a smooth transition process for both the student and the school. If this notice is not given, parents/carers agree to pay one (1) Term’s tuition fees.

Transport, Traffic Management and Road Safety
Drop Off, Pick Up and Parking
Student Drivers

Drop Off, Pick Up and Parking

St Rita’s College has a Traffic Management Plan in place, mandated by the Planning and Environmental Court, which addresses traffic issues and formalises school policies in enhancing safety for both school traffic and local residents. Parent and student drivers are requested to drive safely and be particularly cautious of pedestrian traffic at drop off and pick up times.

  • Enderley Road has signage installed by Brisbane City Council providing a two-minute set-down zone to separate short term parking from all-day parking.
  • Be respectful of our neighbours – don’t park, drop off or pick up across residential driveways.
  • Parents are to adhere to the two-minute set-down zone timeframes between the College Enderley Road driveways. Failure to do so is in breach of Council laws. Please do not park or wait in this zone for any period longer than 2 minutes.
  • Flashing light school zone signs will be installed on Enderley Road as part of the Queensland Government commitment to improving school road safety. The installation of flashing light school zone signs is proven to improve visibility of school zones, serving as an active reminder for motorists to slow down. Please keep an eye out for the new signs and make sure you stick to the signed speed limit.
  • Drivers are not to stop or park in areas which are marked with yellow lines and/or ‘witches hats’, including the yellow lined resident driveways opposite the front of the College in Enderley Road.
  • Year 5 parents using the internal driveway pick up system in the afternoons are not to queue across the College driveway nor in Enderley Road waiting for the driveway boom gate to open. If the boomgate is down, please go around the block until it is opened.
  • Students are not to be driven into the College grounds. Pedestrian traffic only is permitted (except for delivery and staff vehicles).
  • Students must use the Assisted Crossing at the Pool end of Enderley Road to cross to and from the College.
  • No students are to enter or exit the College via the Stafford Street entrance as this is a high traffic area with staff cars entering and exiting the College.

Student Drivers

Cars driven by students are not to enter the school grounds. No student is to be a passenger in a student-driven car unless prior notification in writing is given to the Principal by the parents/guardians of both the driver and the passenger(s).

The College encourages our student drivers to register their name and vehicle make/colour/registration with the Principal’s Assistant, Mrs Tuite. Residents will often telephone the College to report concerns with parking or obstruction to driveways. The College will then aim to locate the driver and rectify the problem. A driver register has often avoided residents contacting authorities regarding their concern.

To register your daughter driving to school and her vehicle, please email Mrs Tuite at principal@stritas.qld.edu.au